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Harry Reid Sexes Up The Senate

No one in his right mind thinks of sex and soon to be FORMER Senator Harry Reid but Reid introduced sex into the debate on Wall Street reform. The Democrats, who get more money from Wall Street than Republicans, want to impose restrictions on Wall Street to keep another meltdown from happening and to keep the taxpayer from paying for more bailouts. The bill will not do that but that will not stop the Democrats.

Yes, the people who put the rules that caused the meltdown in place are making more rules.

Of course the left likes to paint Republicans as being in the pockets of the Wall Street executives. Sure, there are some but Wall Street is deeper in the pockets of Democrats.

Harry Reid tried to paint the Republicans as being in bed with Wall Street:

Reid charged that Republicans are stalling action on a Wall Street reform bill because “they are having difficulty determining how they’re going to continue making love to Wall Street” by resisting banking regulation. The Hill

Well Harry, you can keep trying to paint Republicans as being in bed with Wall Street by claiming they are making love to that entity.

It might be true and it might not.

But it is absolutely true that your side will screw Wall Street.

And the American public along with it.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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