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Harry Reid Says He Saved World From Depression

Harry Reid is in the fight of his political career and it is very likely that he will be beaten by a virtual unknown who had the backing of the Tea Party. Reid is a powerful Senator and his ouster would be a huge slap to Democrats. Obama and other Democrat leaders (including Bubba Clinton) have been campaigning for Reid in a last ditch effort to keep him in DC. The White House needs to keep its sock puppet in place.

It is no surprise that Reid will say or do anything to defeat Sharron Angle. He has distorted her words, lied about her record and lied about her platform. He painted her as out of touch and radical and that was sticking until they debated. Then the people of Nevada saw a person who held her own and answered most of the questions. Reid bumbled and was, at times, incoherent.

The race is coming down to the wire and Reid is pulling out all the stops. Obama will be back there this weekend to whip up support. Reid is so desperate he has taken credit for saving us from a depression. One can argue whether the financial system was at the point of depression or whether it was painted that way for political purposes but one thing is certain, if we were near depression Reid did not save us. But he said he did:

Harry said; “…but for me we’d be in a world-wide depression.” Yes, Harry Reid saved the world and no one gives him credit because things are so bad right now.

What is it with these Democrats and their messianic complexes? Obama was the next coming of Christ who was sent here by G-d to save us and Obama himself told us how he would recede the oceans and save the planet. He was compared to Christ in Congress and he was compared to a prophet by the Nation of Islam.

Now Harry Reid is Superman who saved the WORLD from a depression. “Disguised as a mild mannered Senator from Searchlight, he fights a never ending battle to tell the truth…” These Democrats seem to have higher opinions of themselves than they actually deserve and while it is not unusual for politicians to inflate their records, I think Reid has gone way beyond exaggeration…

It is obvious Reid is grasping at straws and saying anything in order to get reelected but claiming to have saved us from a depression is a total lie.

Nevada voters, on the other hand, can save us from being depressed by voting this weasel out of office.

Big Dog salute to Breitbart TV.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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