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Harry Reid is Out of Touch

…as if we didn’t already know.

When John Murtha levied criticism after criticism of the war and out troops the Democrats held him up as the voice to which we should pay attention because he is a veteran. Murtha served in the Marine Corps (they said) and he is well established and respected in the military community. If John Murtha says something then by God it must be true and people should listen.

Harry Reid, who has claimed that we lost the war is now saying that the surge is just not working. He has been off for two weeks for his Thanksgiving holiday (great gig, two weeks off) and he has come to this conclusion. John Murtha however, went to Iraq during that time and he came back indicating that the surge was working.

Evidently Harry Reid did not get the memo indicating that Murtha is the be all end all of military information because he has refuted, from the safety of his home, what Murtha witnessed with his own eyes. Now I am no fan of Murtha and though I do not doubt his military connections, I know that he would sell out the military for political gain. That is what he was doing when he was bad mouthing the war and the troops. He was trying to make hay with the Democratic base of kooks who want us to lose the war. I seldom trust what Murtha says but if he said the surge is working, it must be because he would love to have been able to add one more item to his anti war/anti troop list. The reality is, he knew that he could not deny what everyone else is seeing. Harry Reid, on the other hand, could deny a tsunami as the water rushed past if he thought it would make the President look bad.

Perhaps though, given Murtha’s history, an Arab businessman offered him $25,000 to say the surge was working in order to bring business to Murtha’s district. Reid, on the other hand, is just brain damaged from his stroke.

Just sayin’…

The Politico

Big Dog

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