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Gorebal Warming

[note]No one knows exactly how much Earth’s climate will warm due to carbon emissions, but a new study this week suggests scientists’ best predictions about global warming might be incorrect.[/note]

Looks like the settled science gets less settled each day. CO2 is used to explain the theory but it is not the only possible explanation and it looks as if CO2 does not have the great affect that the global warming community states. The problem is that they have decided that CO2 is the answer and have stopped looking (that is what it means when the science is settled) so other possibilities are discounted and those espousing them are ridiculed as not the right kind of scientist or a hack. The field of science is only unimportant if the sceientist in question believes in and supports global warming. Then it does not matter because he supports the position. As an aside, the EPA worker who was quited was deemed to be an economist and not a scientist. He actually was a scientist AND and economist. He has degrees in both fields. Ace digs into this in greater detail at the linked article.

I have stated many times that this is something that needs more research before we invest trillions of dollars into fixing what might not be the problem. One day we might find out that there was nothing we could do, or there was not a problem, or that it was natural and cyclic. By that time though, we will have spent huge sums of money and a few folks will have gotten very rich off the entire deal. Al Gore has increased his wealth substanially on his warming crusade and he will increase it more if cap and trade is passed. So will Goldman Sachs and General Electric, companies who are heavily vested in this scam.

The more that research is done (by deniers or those looking for the truth) the less settled things are and that cannot make the warmers happy. The longer it drags out and the more that is discovered, the less opportunity they have to make lots of money. This is why things have to be done NOW. The planet does not have a fever, the warmers have an itch, an itch they want to scratch with lots of our money. But the problems keep arising. According to a Rice University media release (reporting on a study from Natural Geoscience):

“In a nutshell, theoretical models cannot explain what we observe in the geological record,” said oceanographer Gerald Dickens, a co-author of the study and professor of Earth science at Rice University. “There appears to be something fundamentally wrong with the way temperature and carbon are linked in climate models.”

Cap and trade is an albatross that will cost us a fortune and result in lost jobs. Obama and the supporters keep saying it will create jobs but the bill specifically provides money for people who lose their jobs as a result of the legislation which means they know it will cost jobs. This is the wrong way to do things and we will be forced to absorb the crushing blow this would have to the country all in the name of an unsettled science.

It is time to defeat the cap and TAX bill and allow research (unbiased research) to look at the issue without the static and background noise provided by Gore and his band of merry warmers.

Big Dog

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