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Google Explanation Lacks Truth

Google has taken to explaining why racist and anti Semitic items come up when its search engine is used. Google explained that searches from the internet sometimes produce “disturbing content.” This is true and no one should blame Google because of the results. The company is in the business of producing a list of results that match criteria. It is not responsible for the content, just the ability to find it.

I can’t see why anyone would even blame the company. Google does not put the content on the web it just makes it easy to find content that is there. Google is not responsible for the image of Mrs. Obama that morphs into an ape. The person who put it up is responsible. I understand the whole ape picture racist issue and I know people got upset when Barry Obama was portrayed as Curious George (he does look like him) even though the picture was not meant to be racist. I can understand why people would be upset with a picture of Mrs. Obama turning into an ape though it baffles me.

Does not the left tell us we all evolved from non human primates? Well, that is an issue for another debate at another time.

Besides, Mrs. Obama is a Klingon.

Well Big Dog, why is Google untruthful?

It is because of this statement:

“Accordingly, we do not remove a page from our search results simply because its content is unpopular or because we receive complaints concerning it,” Google said. News 24

The problem is that this statement is untrue. Google owns Blogger, the free blogging platform that allows anyone to publish to the web at no cost. During the presidential campaign blogs, hosted on Blogger, that were critical of Obama in any way, shape, or form were deactivated.

Blogger uses a link that allows people to flag offensive content. Obamabots would visit sites that were critical of Obama and flag them. Google would deactivate the accounts and it took days to weeks before the owner could get the content back up. Many people went to hosted services because of this.

Google claims that it does not remove content because it is unpopular. Admittedly, they are talking about search results, but removing blogs because their content is unpopular is no different. And there have been accusations that Google has removed certain things from search results because of the content. I do not know about that but the company certainly deactivated Blogger accounts because of content.

The folks at Google are unabashed Obama supporters and that is perfectly fine. In America you can support who you want. Blogger belongs to them and if they want to block accounts critical of their messiah then they can do so but it is dishonest for them to claim they don’t block content.

Google allowed several Google Bombs that were disparaging to George Bush to remain up for a long time. When one was put up for Obama it came down pretty quickly. Once again, it is their business but they should not pretend they do not censor certain items or that they do not remove content. Google claims to have fixed the Bush Google Bomb two years ago but searches for miserable failure brought up his bio page (off and on) up to his last days in office. It was not until that search redirected to Barack Obama’s bio that Google fixed it. This article describes the issue in some detail. Suffice it to say that it was fixed after Obama started showing up in the miserable failure Google Bomb.

As for the racist or anti Semitic results, Google is not responsible for them. If you don’t like the content then navigate away from the page.

And Google, try to be more honest.

Big Dog

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