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Good for America Equals Bad for Democrats

Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying that the Democrats are the defeatist party and whatever is good for America is bad for them. They sit around joyously awaiting the body count of American military who gave all in the war on terror because they are happy to see things go badly. Good news, as in low numbers of killed, would be good for America but bad for the Democrats and their quest for power. Democrats will sell their very souls to Satan himself (or herself since Hillary is Satan in the flesh) in order to gain and keep power. They are low life cretins who place their desires above the needs of the country. House Majority Whip James Clyburn confirmed today that what is good for America is bad for Democrats.

Today Clyburn stated that a good report from General David Petraeus (good for America) would probably split the Democrats in their effort to set a timetable for withdrawal (bad for Democrats). When President Bush announced the surge the Democrats (and some Republicans) did not like the idea. However, Congress agreed to wait until September when General Petraeus reported on the progress of the surge before they would do anything with regard to bringing troops home or voting time lines. The Democrats are not stupid, misguided and idiotic but certainly not stupid, and they were able to see the decreasing numbers of American casualties. They heard the news coming out of Iraq and they heard how things improved once the last troops deployed for the surge arrived in country. The Democrats went on the offensive and started claiming that the surge had failed and that we lost the war. They worked on legislation to set timetables and bring the troops home and they did all this before the September report they agreed to wait for.

I have said several times that the reason the Democrats decided not to honor their commitment is because they did not want a good report to come from Iraq. They were trying to get things done the way they wanted before General Patraeus came home with a good report. The Democrats have demonstrated that they are not interested in how the war is going because they want to end it regardless of what a pull out means. They need to have something that looks like progress in the bag before the election season kicks off or they will look like they failed in the eyes of their supporters. The Democrats will do anything to derail the war so long as they can remain in power and gain a larger majority.

Today, Congressman Clyburn spelled that all out and gave confirmation to my gut feelings. The Democrats are worried that there will be a good report from Iraq which will make it more difficult for them to cut and run. The prospect of a good report has them worried that their party will fracture because General Patraeus “carries significant weight” among some of the Democrats. Clyburn is now saying that the Democrats should wait for the report before trying to force their agenda on the President. He worries that if they go after a timetable now a good report will be a bad thing for them. They were not successful with their earlier end run so Clyburn thinks they should punt until the report comes out (in the spirit of the upcoming football season).

The most dangerous thing in the world is an American warrior and his weapon. Unfortunately, the most dangerous thing in America is a Democratically controlled Congress. The former will fight for America, while the latter will fight against her.

If it is good for America, it is bad for the Democrats, just ask Congressman Clyburn.

Washington Post

Big Dog