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Global Warming Science That Hides The Truth

Looks like the Global Warming science that is “settled” became a bit unsettled after a large amount of data from climate scientists was either hacked into or released by an insider. The email messages among climate scientists paints a picture of deception and cover-up.

Scientists lamented about data that showed cooling rather than warming, discussed tricks to manipulate data to get the results they wanted, lamented over data that showed a cooling trend, cheered the death of a scientist critical of global warming, and discussed ways of breaking the law to avoid freedom of information requests as well as ways to keep critics from publishing peer reviewed papers.

Not that any of this has been thoroughly investigated by the main stream media.

Does this mean that man made global warming is a hoax? Not in and of itself though it is highly suggestive that the so called settled science is anything but settled.

The so called reputable scientists that global warming supporters point to as the beacons of truth have taken a serious hit because they demonstrated that they are not so reputable after all. Their leaked emails show a group of people who manipulated science to push an agenda rather than people who used science to prove or disprove global warming.

This shows what I have said all along and that is the science is not settled. It can’t be when the data used to settle it is flawed. It also shows that while we need to continue using good science to investigate the climate, we do not need to commit trillions of dollars to something that is quite unsettled.

The global warming crowd tried to squeeze out scientists who did not toe the line for the cause and this has come back to bite them.

The hockey stick graph has been discredited and now the scientists involved in global warming study have been discredited as well.

Al Gore needs a new line because the science is not settled.

If anything, the dishonesty is quite unsettling.

Daily Mail UK
Washington Times
Guardian UK (Lamenting about how this hurts and throwing blame to deniers)
WSJ (very damning article)

Big Dog


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