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Global Warming Irony

I have already pointed out he number of instances where the global warming zealots have made plans only to have them cancelled due to snow, ice, or cold. I have also linked to many articles where certain regions were experiencing the most snow and ice or lowest temperatures and setting or nearly setting records. This does not stop the global warming advocates who have learned to use pseudoscience in order to push their agenda. Since they have declared the unproven theory as a given they have had to use another tact to explain away the inconsistencies. They just blame everything on global warming. Hurricanes, blizzards, ice storms, cold, snow, sleet, your dog getting pregnant, it is all because of global warming.

The latest in the long string of embarrassing incidents in the global warming saga involves Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen who decided to go off on a 530 mile journey across the Arctic Ocean to show the effects of global warming on the environment. The extremely COLD temperatures (100 degrees below zero) drained the batteries in some of their equipment and left Arnesen with frostbite in several toes. It was reported that they sounded extremely cold when they called in. It would appear that global warming has not had as much of an effect as they believed.

True to the moonbat cause of believing in global warming despite any evidence to the contrary, the story concludes in this fashion:

“They were experiencing temperatures that weren’t expected with global warming,” Atwood said. “But one of the things we see with global warming is unpredictability.” Yahoo News

Global Warming causes everything….

And they say I’m the denier.

Big Dog salute to Wayfarer