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Give Us Your Tired, Weary, Illegals…

The Obama regime is granting amnesty by fiat and allowing illegals the regime deems pose no threat to national security to stay in the US. It is bad enough that the government refuses to secure our borders and prevent people from walking in but now it is allowing those it catches to continue on as if they broke no laws.

I know the argument. These poor folks are children of people who came here illegally. They had no choice in the matter and they grew up here so why send them away? Because they are here illegally. Not to mention that those who are not adults are kept here and their parents then stay so we do not split up the families.

The Congress has been fiddling with legislation to address illegal immigration and it has been stalled in Congress for quite some time. Let’s face it, Democrats don’t want to lose their voting base.

So instead of allowing the process, as slow as it is, to work things out, the Obama regime has just decided to bypass Congress and do what it wants via fiat.

This should come as no surprise. Obama and his regime do not like the Constitution and these people do not like the constraints placed on them. They have an agenda to push and they will not let the law of the land get in the way.

This, of course, is a move to placate illegal immigrants and their support groups before the next election. Obama made a ton of promises to his illegal supporters and he has been unable to fulfill them so he is bypassing Congress in order to appease those who have no say in things. He is shoring up his base so he can get the Hispanic vote.


This moron is playing politics with our sovereignty and our national security in order to get votes.

How is it that this guy claims to love America and then pushes on to fundamentally transform her? If you love her why does she need fundamental transformation?

The only conclusion is that he hates America as it is and will not be happy until his Socialist dreams are realized.

Maybe they need to organize a flash mob on DC and get rid of all the dead wood…

Washington Times

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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