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Get Out ILLEGAL Activist; and Stay Out

An ILLEGAL alien who has been hiding in a church for a year was arrested and deported back to Mexico leaving her son to live with others here in the US. Elvira Arellano had her kid here so he is a citizen under the misinterpreted 14th Amendment. The activist groups are all over this story and they are all indicating that this woman should not have been arrested for breaking the law and that it was not right for the government to separate her from her kid.

The government did not separate them, she could have taken her kid with her but she is a poor example for motherhood and abandoned her kid. She indicated that if her kid leaves he loses the rights that he has as an American (what she means is sponging off the taxpayer by sucking up welfare). Actually, if we applied the 14th Amendment correctly he would have no rights but since we erroneously made him a citizen he retains those rights and is allowed to come and go. His mother just decided to abandon him.

This is not about tearing families apart. It is about upholding the law. This woman defied an order calling for her removal and she held up in a church for a year to avoid the law being followed. The activists can cry all they want but what we need to be doing is deporting a who lot more of these people. We need to apply the 14th the way it was intended and we need to get rid of people who are here ILLEGALLY. As far as their kids go, they can take them with them back home.

I have no sympathy for lawbreakers who cry because they got caught. The US government did not cause the problem, the ILLEGALS did.

If you don’t want your family broken up then stay in your own country where you belong until you can come here via the legal route.


Big Dog

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