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Get In The Back Of The Bus

Barack Obama is racing to the wire to minimize the losses his party is expected to suffer on election day. He is running around the country spewing his same old crap about Republicans driving the economy in the ditch. He is oblivious to the fact that the economy did not falter until Democrats took over. All appropriations start in Congress (the House) and therefore are the responsibility of Congress. Certainly George Bush should have never signed on to spend the money but the fact remains that Democrats are JUST as responsible for the mess as anyone else.

Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are two major players in what brought the economy down.

Obama, out on the stump, used a phrase that is a bit disturbing.

He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he said, “we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.” [emphasis mine]Yahoo News

Once again, it was not Republicans alone who drove the economy into the ditch. They might have driven it to the edge but Democrats drove it in when they took charge.

The disturbing part of this is where Obama said “they gotta sit in the back.”

Imagine how this would have played out if, say, Sarah Palin had said “Republicans are going to win big and take over and Obama will have to sit in the back.”

The comparisons to racism would have been rampant. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the other race baiters would be screaming about racism and TEA Party activists wanting to lynch blacks or some such stuff.

The phrasing of Obama’s sentence is deliberate. He is looking to make up for the past injustices and he is using this kind of wording to show who is in charge and that things have changed.

Like his buddies in the New Black Panther Party who intimidated people at the Philadelphia Poll, Barack wants you to know you are being ruled by a black man.

But Obama is confused. Republicans freed the slaves so his allegiance to the left is part of the plantation mentality.

We will never go back to forcing certain groups to sit in the back of the bus no matter how much Obama wants to stoke the fires of racial tension.

Don’t know why he would worry anyway. He is half black and half white.

He can sit in the middle…

cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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