General Pace Takes Parting Shot

General Pace will retire shortly and he had his opportunity to explain his position on gays in the military. This exchange was prompted by a question from a Democrat who found Pace’s previous comments “very hurtful.” Senator Tom Harkin is evidently dense and did not understand Pace’s clearly defined point of view. Pace stated:

“Are there wonderful Americans who happen to be homosexual serving in the military? Yes,” he told the Senate Appropriations Committee during a hearing focused on the Pentagon’s 2008 war spending request.

“We need to be very precise then, about what I said wearing my stars and being very conscious of it,” he added. “And that is, very simply, that we should respect those who want to serve the nation but not through the law of the land, condone activity that, in my upbringing, is counter to God’s law.” My Way News

Pace did not change his view, he did not pander and he did not bow down to the great Senator Harkin. He clearly restated his position, one that is in keeping with both his religious beliefs and the law. The issue here is morality and General Pace is a religious man who believes that homosexuality is against the teaching of his religion. He is also a military officer who is responsible for upholding moral behavior and following the law.

Harkin is a Democrat so it should be no surprise that the issue of morality is tough for him to handle. Here is the exchange that took place at the end. It is one that clearly defines the differences between a man of principle and an immoral buffoon:

“It’s a matter of leadership, and we have to be careful what we say,” Harkin said.

Pace noted that the U.S. Military Code of Justice prohibits homosexual activity as well as adultery. Harkin said, “Well, then, maybe we should change that.”

There you have it. First Harkin talks about leadership as if he can show a four star general anything about leading. Harkin could not lead a group of people out of a burning building. Then, after General Pace cites the law against homosexuality and adultery in the military, Harkin says maybe we need to change the law.

Leave it to a politician to want to change a law he does not like. If that is the case, I do not like our tax laws and would like to change them. Of course, being a Democrat, Harkin would want to legalize adultery and homosexuality in the military.

I am glad that Pace did not change his stance on the subject. It is nice to see someone whose opinion is not formed by the latest poll. Anyway, what did he have to lose? It is not like they can fire him.

What else will Democrats do to tear down the armed forces?

Who knows? Maybe Harkin was sucking up to the homosexual base…

Big Dog

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11 Responses to “General Pace Takes Parting Shot”

  1. […] Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, Big Dog’s Weblog, Nuke’s News & Views, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, , […]

  2. irtexas44 says:

    Bravo Gen. Pace. Nuts to Harkin. I didn’t hear this exchange but last week I heard another pompus a$$ Sessions in a hearing saying that the generals think they know what to do but that it was clear that congress knows more than they do and they need to be the ones calling the shots.

    It is just so amazing how really ignorant they are. And elite they think they are. I think they all have mental disorders.

  3. MSNBC’s Shusters plays cruel game with dead soldier…

    There is still one question, and to my dismay, no one seems to be asking it. It is:

    “Did David Shuster and MSNBC give any thought to the family of Private Bohannon, and what using him as a tool to play ‘gotcha’ with a US Representative would d…

  4. Republish Your First Post…

    Republish your first post and relive the memories!

  5. Jerry says:

    So if our laws in the military will now be based on what is moral from a religious stand point, then even unmarried heterosexual person who engages in sex should be discharged, because they are fornicating and the Chrisitian religion categorizes that as an immoral act.

    You show such contempt for Harkin for standing up for all people and praise Pace for standing by his religious teachings. That’s fine. But at least be intellectually honest and apply that “moral” standard to everyone of our members of the armed services.

    Lastly, by your standards having a religious objection to someone justifies personal and professional biogtry. Since the Mormon church did not view blacks as full human beings until 1985, would a mormon have been justified in 1982 for being personally and professional bigoted towards black soldiers?

    If religous belief justifies bigotry then why would they?

  6. Big Dog says:

    It is not a matter of what the laws will now be based upon, they are and have been this way for a long time. There is no law in the military (that I am aware of) that forbids single people from having sex. There is a law against homosexuals openly serving and adultery.

    Harkin stood up for no one, he merely demonstrated that he can pander. Where was Harkin standing up for Foley’s right to have make sexually suggestive comments to pages or Craig’s right to tap his feet in the bathroom?

    The fact is, Pace has an opinion and it happens to be supported by the law. Harkin does not like the law so he will change it and further erode the moral fabric of this society.

    It is amazing that people will defend this kind of thing and then pitch a hissy fit when a soldier is accused of a murder or treats some terrorist badly. Then all of the sudden people have moral values. How can we expect our troops or our children to have morals when we as a society continue to fight to get rid of all that is decent?

    Pace did not change his mind and he was not bullied into another opinion. I wonder how Harkin will do if a huge group of people threaten to vote him out for a position he has taken? He will change it, of course.

  7. […] Big Dogs Weblog General Pace Takes Parting Shot… […]

  8. My contribution to Stop the ACLU…

    I would just like to add just one thing. THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT GIVE US OUR RIGHTS. GOD DID. For if the government had indeed given us our rights, then they surely could take them away, no?…

  9. Jerry says:

    On one point you are correct, the Uniform Code of Military Justice does not forbid single people from having sex. However, at the end of his testimony, Gen. Pace indicated that sex between unmarried people is prohibited by the UCMJ. Perhaps that is what Harkin was saying needs to be changed.

    But before we go any further, let’s be clear what the Military Law says. UCMJ states “Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration , however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.”

    So any military service member, straight or gay, would be guilty of sodomy if they engaged in oral sex or anal sex. They might also be guilty if they enagaged in sex in any position other than the missionary position. In order for the law to be applied fairly, any person who engaged in one of those acts must be discharged. In addition, any person who talked about engaging in those activities would need to be discharged as well. Because gay and lesbian soldiers are discharged for acknowledging that they are gay, no sexual act is necessary.

    But I want to go back to the reasons you were applauding Gen Pace. You applauded his stance based on his morality and his religious teaching. If this is to be the basis on which we decide military law, ie don’t repeal don’t ask, don’t tell, then intellectual honesty would demand that all of the activities Gen Pace finds immoral must be made illegal.

    You are familiar with intellectual honesty, aren’t you?

    As for your refences to Rep. Foley and Sen Craig, I astonished that you would compare uniformed soldier whose lives are at risk every day defending our country to a congressman who preyed on pages or a senator who illegally solicited sex in a public men’s room. The reference is especially despicable in a time of war.

    Perhaps i shouldn’t be surprised considering the fact that you clearly express the belief that two adults of the same gender engaging in sex, is bigger issue in our society than murder.

    In closing let me ask you a question. Who would Jesus murder(WWJM) ?

  10. Bob Kent says:

    Liberals say they want to save people from AID’s but they have no problem with people having anal sex and will defend the act. If liberals love homosexuals they would tell them to stop but they won’t. They would rather use it as a political football even if people die from AID’s. Liberals are void of logic. This is just one example. They also have a problem with logical progression and outcomes.

    I know AID’s is spread not just with homosexuals but lets start with the most at risk group.