Funny How Obama’s Tune Changed

Barack Obama took office as a wet behind the ears rookie with so little experience and so many words that calling him an empty suit was an insult to empty suits. He showed up with his bird chest pumped out ready to take on the world. He had majorities in both chambers of Congress and things were going to be his way. He thought so because he believed the hype about himself. It is a good thing (for him) that he did not try to walk on water.

Believing and doing are two different things.

After taking office Obama was challenged by a Republican on the contents of a package and Obama’s response as to why it would be a certain way; “I won.” To interpret that for you, Obama said it is my way or the highway.

After two years of driving us over the cliff and advancing toward Socialism the American public had enough of this upstart and his sock puppets in Congress and they sent him a very clear message. Obama and his Democrats lost a lot of seats in a historical midterm election that changed the balance of power. Now that Obama does not have majorities all over government, majorities that blamed its failures on Republicans, he has a slightly different tune. In a speech today he told the audience that Republicans cannot have it their way and that this is not how it works.

“At a time when you are struggling to pay your bills and meet your responsibilities, the least we can do to meet our responsibilities is produce a budget. That is not too much to ask for. That is what the American people expect of us, that’s what they deserve. You want everybody to act like adults, quit playing games and realize it is not my way or the highway,” President Obama said in Pennsylvania before he is set to hold a fundraiser tonight. Real Clear Politics

Perhaps an appropriate GOP response to Mr. Obama would be; “we won.”

You see, this is how Democrats work. When they are in charge then things have to go their way and they do not care about anyone or anything. The last Congress made that clear when it passed Obamacare, the unconstitutional law, over the wishes of the majority of Americans. They wanted it and they did not want to hear any other opinion. To them, it was their way or the highway. Democrats went against the will of the people while ignoring the jobs situation and suffering a net job loss over that period of time.

As soon as Democrats lose though, they want to talk about bipartisan compromise and working together. They start whining like a room full of Chuck Schumers about how the other side is not playing nice, blah, blah. They did not want to play nice when they had control and they said, on a number of occasions, we won and it is our way or the highway.

Now they have to eat humble pie and suck it up because, to be quite frank, we won and it is our way or the highway.

America is on a path to financial ruin which has been a long time coming but has been accelerated by a man who has spent more money in two years than all the presidents from Washington to Reagan combined!

[I stated this incorrectly. It should read:

In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan. CNS

I regret the error]

Now the adults are in charge because THEY WON and it is time for the Democrats to step aside and let them get down to the business of bringing fiscal sanity back to our country.

It is also important to remember, particularly as all the Democrats are out screaming about a government shut down and troops not getting paid, that the Democrats are entirely responsible for this. They had the majorities when the 2011 budget was due and they punted the ball. They refused to pass a budget because they were afraid to do anything prior to the election. If they had done their duty and passed a budget we would not be having this discussion right now and the Congress could be working on other important things.

To the victor goes the spoils and while Obama does not espouse that attitude now he certainly did back when he was still messianic.

Fortunately, he does not get to dictate how the game is played. It works how we want it to work because:


Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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32 Responses to “Funny How Obama’s Tune Changed”

  1. Adam says:

    “…but has been accelerated by a man who has spent more money in two years than all the presidents from Washington to Reagan combined!”

    This is totally incorrect of course. How much do you think Obama has spent?

  2. Adam says:

    Here’s a good quote from the chair of your party, Priebus:

    We’ve lost 26 million jobs … since (Obama’s) been president.

    Is that the kind of math you use when you calculate how much Obama has spent?

    • Eoj Trahneir says:

      Correct us if we are wrong.

    • Blake says:

      That number is quite probably a little low, Adam. You see, if you were to count all the construction jobs, (which are NOT counted), then the actual jobless rate would be just south of 20%- you see, since construction personell (excepting of course, those wussy union people), cannot apply for jobless benefits, they are not counted in the percentage rate- a trick the Dems use to keep the rate “lower” than it really is.
      We can’t apply, since (for insurance reasons, SS and healthcare reasons, and tax reasons) we are classified as “sub-contract labor, therefore we are technically our own bosses, and have to pay ALL of our taxes (none withheld), and double our SS input, since we are our own bosses.
      Think of just how many jobs ride on housing-

      • Adam says:

        No, we did not lose 26 million+ jobs in the last 2 years. We have a net decrease of 3.6 million jobs. By the end of this year we will be really close to a net increase of private sector jobs under Obama. We have had 13 straight months of private sector job growth or 1.8 million jobs gained.

        No matter what you falsely believe about construction jobs not factoring into unemployment you cannot arrive at 26 million lost jobs.

        • Eoj Trahneir says:

          Real job loss was countered by added jobs in TSA, medical records and other government non-producing areas.
          In other words, if you are a government worker, a non-producer, life is good, and for those who have it good, it is easy to gloss over the fate of those who have it bad.
          And to call this reality “false.”

          Right, Adam, you government drone you.
          But the rats will sink the ship. And when you have sucked the last tax dollar from the last producer, you too will starve.

  3. Big Dog says:

    I should have worded that better:

    “In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.”

    • Adam says:

      You pretend to misspeak but your side makes that statement all the time. It’s barely true and a very misleading statement.

      In terms of what Obama is responsible for he has actually added just a small chunk to the debt compared to the cost of the downturn and the cost of war and other things that are not his work.

      • Blake says:

        He has added about 3.6 TRILLION to the debt, since NONE of that money was really ours to spend.
        And NOW we are in a THIRD war? And this is not his fault?
        What sort of failed thinking are you using?
        Liberal 101?

        • Adam says:

          Again, Obama’s policies reflect only a small (but not insignificant) chunk of the debt. I doubt you can source that claim that Obama has added 3.6 trillion.

      • Eoj Trahneir says:

        “It’s barely true ” still means it is true, no matter how it is stated. As compared to the liberal lie, which is still a lie no matter how you honey-nuance it.

  4. Big Dog says:

    As for math skills, be happy to put myself against you anytime. However, you should worry more about horrible math skills of Obama and not of a guy who worded something incorrectly.

    Obama said he would halve the debt by the end of his first term. He added more public debt than all from Washington to Reagan. That is not halving it.

    • Eoj Trahneir says:

      It is “having” it!

    • Blake says:

      ANYONE who can’t understand that we are broke, and unnecessary things have to go, isn’t using his or her brain here.
      NPR and Planned Parenthood are not needed in the ggrand scheme of things. There is a lot more that needs to be cut, and waste will have to be addressed in a vigorous way.
      If Boehner caves to the Dems, then we need a new Speaker, one who knows that now is NOT the time to compromise- Much like the jihadis that Obama adores, Progressives look at compromise as weakness, and if the govt. shuts down, good.
      People know it would be the Liberal’s fault.
      The people KNOW pocketbook economics.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Anyone else notice Adam did what he normally does? He ignored the main point of the article to pick on a misstated item.

    Address Obama’s change of heart from I won so we will do it my way to that is not how it works.

    • Eoj Trahneir says:

      I noticed. I want to know, why did you invite him to dinner? Or did he invite himself for a free lunch?

    • Adam says:

      Sorry. I don’t intentionally ignore the main point. Just certain statements or comments draw my attention more than others. But I do make sure I comment on what you consider the main point once you ask me to.

      I agree with your main point. It was a humbling election for the Democrats. I’ve never agreed with you on the exact meaning of the election but that is irrelevant next to the resulting party alignment in Congress which forces Obama to at least try and make the public think he intends to work with Republicans.

      You can say “we won” all you want. When Obama said it he was correct. When you say it about your side you are correct.

  6. Big Dog says:

    I can understand that Adam, I do it as well. We will never know for sure the main reason for the election results and it is likely that there are plenty of them.

    As an aside, I know it is early and things are probably going to change but have you seen the Orioles?

    • Adam says:

      The Orioles and fans deserve a good season. They’ll play the Yankees about 18 times I assume though so it may even out. Hopefully they keep it up.

      The Dodgers are a mixed bag so far and not really worth talking about yet.

  7. Big Dog says:

    The Dodgers usually have a good team and it is a long season so who knows?

    The left harps about the cost of war but it is small compared to the cost of social programs and unfunded mandates.

    And how much is the Libya excursion costing?

    Obama has added a lot to the debt because of economic polices that have proven time and again not to be effective. Add tot hat the Stimulus was a payoff to supporters and the infusion of the liberal wish list agenda and it equals disaster.

    The economic mess would be easing much better had we not spent so much money on it.

    And Bush was as much to blame for starting the spending with TARP.

    • Blake says:

      One cannot excuse Bush for his caving to the progressives in AND out of his party, but “Just because HE started it” is a juvenile reason, one that lacks even the appearance of logic.

    • Adam says:

      I’m not harping so much as reminding you that the majority of debt growth has come from wars, from social spending that is not Obama, and the result of the recession. The stimulus is one of the few big chunks that is directly the result of Obama.

  8. Big Dog says:

    We have still had a net decrease and no matter how you spin that it is not a positive growth.

    • Adam says:

      Yes. We lost about 8 million jobs. If you think we need to wait until we’ve added back 8 million before we suggest things are fine again then you’re being stubborn. 1.8 million jobs added in the last 13 months. That’s good. No spin required.

  9. Big Dog says:

    how do you lose jobs and say there is an addition of jobs?

    • Adam says:

      I’m not sure what you mean. Over the last 13 months we have had a net increase of 1.5 million jobs overall, with a net increase of 1.8 in the private sector.

      • Eoj Trahneir says:

        I knew a boy who loved to gamble. Every Friday he would take his paycheck and go out.
        On Monday he would return and bragof this great gambling wins!
        “Last Saturday I made $635 at the slots!”
        And his wife would tell us the rest of the story, “…and it only cost him $1146 to do it…”
        When we top 8 million new jobs, Adam, come back and tell us of The Great Obumma’s gambling victories, ok?