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Freedom of Choice

I have been posting for a little while now, and I have come across many other opinions, some agreeing with me, and some not so much. Some have been truly vindictive (probably evidence of poor breeding), but this has not, nor will not deter me from presenting my viewpoint as I see it. This is a part of free speech, and also a part of our freedom of choice- we can choose to say something, or abstain from speaking. They are also free to go to another site if they wish. It’s all about the freedom here.

As the days of this “revered leaders” term winds on, the term “Freedom of Choice” will increasingly be under fire from all quarters of the liberal front, as these socialists seek to make us all into “good people”. This would mean, of course, people who blindly agree with their nutjob socialistic thinking.

But to do this, they have to subvert the little roadbump in the road called the Constitution, and they have found ways around this.

A good example is the First Amendment, which details freedom of speech. Well, they can’t get past that one, can they? Oh yes- by two different ways- first is a little innocent thing called “localism”, whereby a radio station could be forced to put on “local” opposing views to counter the talk radio. The trouble with that is, first, the opposing views would not have to pay for their time, so stations would lose money on these “views” (comments from the Commissar, perhaps?). The second problem is that IF these views were popular, they would already BE on the radio. The failure of liberal Air America radio proves there is no market for their drivel.

The second step in the battle over freedom of speech is what is known as “diversity of ownership”- where certain stations would be stripped from the rightful owners, and given, in the name of “diversity”, to others with the politically correct viewpoint. I’m not saying that Barama is Chavez, but he’s looking “Chavez-ish.”

The restrictions on the Second Amendment are, in part, thanks to the comedian Chris Rock who made the suggestion of pricing ammunition at $1,000 a bullet, and so there will be onerous taxes on the ammo- that’s not the only way around the Second Amendment, but mark my words, that is at least one of the ways they will go, because they need the money, their printer is about out of ink.

Green jobs will make us less prosperous, because as a study of the Green industry has shown in Spain, 2.2 jobs are lost for every 1 job created by green technology, and subsidies for companies put many utilities out of business, causing the others who survived to be monopolies and able to charge what they wished, and it was not cheaper for the consumer.

We will have less freedom in our job choices, because the government wants to determine just what THEY determine you are worth. Keep in mind, this is the same people who tout the 7.35 minimum wage as a step forward- Bulls**t! The minimum wage should have been tied to the yearly rise in inflation back in 1970, but nooooooooo. So now the government wants to look at other wages? Might they do as poor a job on these as they did with the minimum wage. One might think so.

Small businesses will not be able to grow as they might in a capitalistic society- many people forget that Bill Gates was a small businessman once. But under Barama, you get just so large, and you will be punished for your success, taxed to within an inch of your life.

Because of the hybrid technology, and the blind refusal to drill off of our coasts, our choices for transportation will be severely restricted to p**spoor electric and wimpy little tinfoil cars that can’t carry a driver, much less a real- life load for work. And of course less choice in auto maker, because only a fool or a Russian buys a government- made car, and I am neither.

There is already less choice on schools- Congress, in its infinite stupidity, cancelled school vouchers for Washington D.C. schools, so Barama’s children, I guess, wouldn’t have to mix with the riff- raff of common people. They will continue this pattern for the rest of the states, and that runs counter to the Tenth Amendment, pertaining to state’s rights, but they’ve done so many end arounds on the Constitution that they probably feel they can do it all.

And finally, there will be less choice in terms of social services and infrastructure, because of B’s onerous taxes, there will have to be less. All the people making or having enough money will find ways around taxation, even if it meant moving somewhere in the Bahamas or Cayman Islands. This puts the burden on the captive people,those who can’t move, and these people will be taxed to the max. Streets, which already look like those in Iraq, will go longer between repaving, but it will all work out, I am sure, because we will not have the money to drive anywhere, nor will we have a car that would be able to navigate the potholes in order to get to a sub-standard school.

We will, however, be able to sit in the car and listen to the local Commissar rant.

It will be SO much fun.
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