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Franken’s Bad Form

It looks like power has gone to the head of Al Franken. He was acting as the President of the Senate yesterday and while Joe Lieberman was talking his time expired. Lieberman asked for unanimous consent for another minute to finish up and Franken said that in his position as Senator from Minnesota, he objected. This caught Lieberman by surprise and he answered “Really?”

This is not the usual manner is which the Senate does business. The requests are granted to allow Senators to finish what they were saying and it is a given that they get the time. Brand new to the Senate Al Franken decided that he would break with decorum.

I wonder if this is because Lieberman has been a thorn in the side of Democrats on the health care issue. One has to wonder if Franken would have objected to any Democrat who asked for more time.

Franken’s people say it was because they were on a tight timeline to get on to health care debate but since Harry Reid was more than an hour late to the Senate (after Lieberman was shut down) the time excuse holds no water.

I think it would be absolutely fitting if Lieberman told Harry Reid that he is withdrawing his support for the health care legislation and will vote against it no matter what. He could not say it was because of what Franken did because people would make a big deal out of that (even though they would not make a big deal out of Franken’s childish behavior). He could easily say that he had asked for another minute to say he wanted to get back to health care so he could vote for it but since Franken did not let him he rethought his support and can’t provide it in good conscience.

It would be humorous if Franken’s antics cost the Senate their health care bill. Of course, it would be even better if Lieberman did not say anything to anyone and just voted against it when the time comes up. That would be a surprise to Democrats and drive a stake through their hearts.

I can’t understand why Lieberman continues to take abuse from the party he has supported for so many years. Harry Reid likes to talk about playing politics and fear among Republicans (retribution from leaders) but it is the Democrats who are using threats to bring members in line.

Obama himself has made the statement; “Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother,” to Congressman DeFazio.

This is thug politics and attempts at intimidation but it is going to backfire. Defazio is not fazed by it. Lieberman does not appear to be either.

Lieberman should caucus with Republicans or change his party to Republican to take away the 60 votes the left has. That would be an appropriate way to deal with morons like Franken.

Big Dog


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