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Florida Court Disenfranchises Republicans

Mark Foley resigned from congress and it was too late to take his name off the ballot. Under Florida law a replacement candidate may be selected and any vote for the person whose name appears on the ballot is a vote for the new candidate. Confused yet? Anyway, Foley’s name must stay on the ballot in Florida and Joe Negron will be credited with any votes cast for Foley. Negron had asked that a sign be placed at the polling places letting voters know that a vote for Foley was really a vote for him.

Democrats oppose this because they want to win the seat and they do not care how they do it. They want people to feel so disgusted about Foley that when they see his name they vote for whatever donk is running in the race. The Democrats won a victory when Florida Circuit Court Judge Janet Ferris ruled that the signs may not be placed. She stated that the legislature did not authorize them. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean they said it is not allowed or that they did not specifically allow it? Maybe they have not disallowed it either and it is just not addressed in the law. This Judge should provide a bit more data.

I have a problem with the Democratic party fighting to keep voters uninformed. They are deliberately disenfranchising Republican voters. This is the same group of people who believe that thousands of blacks were disenfranchised in Florida in 2000 because they happened to have their names removed from the voting rolls. Oh, and they were convicted felons. This group of morons will fight to keep Military members from voting and try everything to disenfranchise Republicans but they will cry and whine to the newspapers and broadcast media if a murderer does not get to cast a ballot.

I have another thing I would like to know. Why is it that the Democrats and the ACLU will go out of their way to ensure that ballots are printed in other languages ESPECIALLY SPANISH so that the immigrants can understand them and have all the information they need to vote but they will not allow Republicans to have a sign that indicates another person gets any vote cast for Foley? Why is it that they will make sure an immigrant, even the ILLEGALS, have everything they need to take an informed decision when voting but they will not grant the same courtesy to the Republicans in Florida. It is not their fault that Mark Foley resigned and these people deserve to be informed. Instead, Democrats are content to allow people who know no better to vote for the Democrat as a protest vote so they can win.

Interestingly, Florida has other laws that allow for the Governor to call for special elections in cases such as these. This allows everything to be on the up-and-up, so to speak. Jeb Bush needs to seriously consider calling for that special election and getting this straight before a bunch of people are disenfranchised by the Democrats. Somehow, I do not think Michael Moore will be there to document this event.

I truly hope that Negron wins. I do not know him and right about now I don’t care about him. I just hope he wins so he can shove their faces in it. As for Judge Janet Ferris, it would be interestingly to see what party she is registered with and who appointed her.

Source: al-Reuters