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Finding Someone To Blame

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is in critical condition, many others are wounded and five or six are dead. A gunman began shooting yesterday and caused mayhem in Tuscon. Almost immediately a concerted effort from the left was made to place the blame for this tragedy and the fingers were pointed at the Tea Party, the right wing, and Sarah Palin. This was all coordinated and planned and it is inaccurate,

The left needs someone to blame and they love to pin violence on the Tea party and others even though these groups have not done anything violent (all the violence has been from the left). The website Daily Kos congratulated Sarah Palin for a job well done and displayed the map she used that had bulls eyes on seats that were targeted. While the little weasel at Kos was doing this he scrubbed a post where Giffords was dead to a constituent and failed to mention that he himself had put Giffords on a targeted list of Democrats who were not liberal enough.

The Democrats and its media wing ignored the reports of the shooter being left-wing and listing the Communist Manifesto as his favorite reading material. That would make him a left wing nut, not a right wing one.

I do not believe Kos or anyone else is responsible for what happened. I only point out their actions to show that if we are to believe the claims of talk causing the problem then these people are guilty of the same kind of talk. Therefore, they are as guilty as those they blame.

And if we want to carry it further then Barack Obama is just as much to blame because he is the one who labeled Americans as enemies and urged violence on behalf of his campaign and agenda. We bring a gun, he said. Get in their faces he said. Looks like the whack job who did this brought a gun and got in her face. He is as guilty as anyone else.

That is, if we are laying blame on anyone other than the lunatic who did this.

You see, I know that the only person who is responsible for this tragedy is Jared Loughner. He and he alone is responsible for what happened and he should be prosecuted and, if he is found guilty, executed for his crime. But the absolute truth of the matter is, he is responsible for what took place.

Not Sarah Palin, not Kos, not the right or left wing but Jared Loughner.

And it would be helpful to the political discourse if the politicians, the pundits and the media stopped trying to lay blame on anyone but Loughner.

Congresswoman Giffords and all those affected by this horrible tragedy are in my prayers. They deserve all of our prayers and not this senseless and unfounded finger pointing.

Washington Post
Guardian UK
The Other McCain: From DHS memo in case; * suspect’s mother works for the Pima County Board of Supervisors * the suspect has multiple arrests … But no criminal record? Intervention by someone?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.

Big Dog


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