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FCC to Fight Some Cramming

Ever heard of “cramming” as related to cell phones (as opposed to McDonald’s food)? I hadn’t. Apparently they made up a new word for fraud, as applied to certain companies. The idea of “cramming” apparently is when a phone company charges you for something you didn’t buy. I don’t know why it’s not just called fraud, lying, or some other term, but whatever.

The the news is that the FCC is going to put a stop to it — at least by some companies. The FCC wants to stop all the “extra” fees showing up on cell phone bills — well, not all the extra fees, just some of them. All the extra, mysterious “fees” that show up that go to the government will, of course, remain…

Note: Sorry, I’ve been away on a trip in Europe. I’m not so sure that America is the freest country in the world any more.