Fate Strikes Tim Kaine

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you have to laugh at the fate that struck Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine. Rumors have been flying that Obama will dump Joe Biden and run with Hillary Clinton in 2012. There have been denials but that has not stopped the excitement among the left as they have orgasms thinking about the dream team. Kaine was asked about this and his response was what one would expect:

“I think it’s kind of like — is [NFL player] Randy Moss going to get traded from the Patriots to the [Minnesota] Vikings? It’s speculation, but I don’t think there’s anything to it.” FOX News

About 90 minutes later Moss was indeed traded from the Patriots to the Vikings.

No matter what side of the political aisle people stand on, this has to strike folks as an ironic twist of fate.

A twist that is sure to cause even more orgasmic gyrations from the left.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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One Response to “Fate Strikes Tim Kaine”

  1. Blake says:

    Barrie had better not do that- as a student of recent history, he should remember one name- Vince Foster.
    Billary is a MEAN progressive machine- if she was in the ATF, she would beat the snot out of Eliot Ness. The “Chicago Machine’s” got nothing on a pissed off hillbilly.