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Ever Notice Its Racial Unless The Victims Are White?

There have been attacks on white people in Des Moines Iowa at the fairgrounds. Groups of young blacks are attacking white fair goers and reports indicate that they are calling it “beat whitey night.”

Rest assured that if a group of whites were beating blacks or Muslims and calling it beat the blacks night or beat the Muslims night, every race baiting group in the world would be up in arms. If one simply opposes a person who is not white then the racist label is hurled around. Oppose Obama, racist. Oppose a Mosque near Ground Zero, racist. Oppose illegal immigrants, racist.

There is never any other explanation except racism and the groups with agendas or who profit from race baiting are out in force.

But a politician in Iowa does not see it as race in the case of whites being beaten. Democrat State Representative Ako Abdul-Samad (you figure out where his loyalties lie) seems to think we should not jump the gun here:

State Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, D-Des Moines, who has worked to fight gang-related violence, said he doesn’t have enough information to decide if the fights were racially motivated. He said police comments that race was involved could miss other factors, such as nonracial taunting. Des Moines Register

If one Muslim were beaten by whites this guy would would have enough information and be screaming about racist whites targeting Muslims. But in this case, we need to investigate to make sure.

I really don’t see how all this is an issue to begin with. There are a hell of a lot more whites than blacks in Des Moines. They should congregate at the fairgrounds and beat the hell out of any groups of blacks targeting people.

I bet Abdul-Samad would see racial attacks then…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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