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Ellison Sends Muslims Veiled Message; Fight for Sharia Law

I have written several times about Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress. I also expressed concern that when he swears in he will be swearing allegiance to the Muslim idea of converting everyone. He was at a rally of Muslims and I think he gave us a veiled message that he believes he is here to convert us:

“You can’t back down. You can’t chicken out. You can’t be afraid. You got to have faith in Allah, and you’ve got to stand up and be a real Muslim,” Detroit native Keith Ellison said to loud applause.


“Muslims, you’re up to bat right now,” he said. “How do you know that you were not brought right here to this place to learn how to make this world better?” Detroit Free Press

Stand up and be a real Muslim is a very concerning issue because most Muslims believe that in order to be a real one you have to impose Sharia Law and you either have to convert or kill infidels. That is also the gist of his remark about being here to make the world better. To Muslims making the world better means making everyone a Muslim. This whole revival smacks of inciting Muslims to stand up in the name of Allah and take over America. Ellison had the benefit of the doubt from me when he was elected but now I am very suspicious of him.

I believe he is a covert agent for CAIR and the rest of the Muslim terrorist organizations and he is the point man for a movement designed to get enough Muslims in office so that they can obtain their goal of replacing the Constitution with the Koran. Fortunately he does not represent my district because I have a feeling only the Muslim agenda will get attention from this covert terror agent.

I also want to know where the ACLU and the rest of these separation idiots are. Here is a person who was elected to Congress telling a throng of zealots that they have to have faith in Allah and stand up and be real Muslims. He told them to be steadfast in their faith and push for justice. We know what justice the Muslims seek and Ellison is on the front lines of their battle to achieve it. Can you imagine how this would be attacked if a Christian politician stood before a crown of people chanting Jesus is our Savior while the politician declared that they had to stand up like good Christians and push for justice?

I do not trust Ellison and I think he will turn out to be another Muslim bad guy, but fortunately, on first contact with the enemy the point man is often eliminated.

Others writing about this:
Always on Watch | The Amboy Times | Jihadi Du Jour | Right Truth | MSNBC/NewsWeek