Don’t Be Fooled, Kucinich Is A Coward

At Dennis Kucinich’s reelection website the tag line is; “Dennis Kucinich America’s Most Courageous Congressman.” This is certainly a bit of hyperbole but for the most part Kucinich stuck to his guns with regard to what he believed. He did not waiver from his positions even those involving aliens (the kind from outer space).

Kucinich gave every indication that he was going to continue that pattern with regard to the health care takeover. As recently as two weeks ago Kucinich said that there was no way he could vote for this bill because it did not contain the public option. Kucinich is a big government Socialist type and he wants government to run health care, something he defines as a civil right.

Kucinich was wooed by Barack Obama with a ride on Air Force One and was then chastised by Obama at a rally in Ohio. When Kucinich returned from the event he would not talk about his position on health care, you know, the thing he could not vote for.

Today at 10 am Kucinich showed that he is far from the most courageous Congressman when he held a press conference to report that he would now vote yes for the bill, a bill he described as flawed and one that he was not satisfied with.

When he explained how he arrived at the decision he said he talked to Obama, Pelosi, his wife and a few friends. He then decided to vote yes. At no time did he say that he discussed it with any of his constituents or that he had taken their desires into account. This is because he does not care what they want. He is not courageous, he is a coward.

Kucinich needs to remove that line from his website and replace it with; “Dennis Kucinich Another Political Whore.”

There is no word about what Kucinich got for his vote. It could have been a Lewinsky from Obama or 30 pieces of silver but my gut feeling is that he got the public option sneaked into the bill.

I wrote about it last night and I am sure that Kucinich was paid off with what he wanted in the bill.

It will be fun to watch it get removed during reconciliation. The public option is not a budget item.

The Democrats are destroying our country with their blatant disregard for the Constitution.

We need to make sure they pay for this in November.

Big Dog


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5 Responses to “Don’t Be Fooled, Kucinich Is A Coward”

  1. Adam says:

    Bad news for those who think health care will doom the Democrats: The Democratic base’s support for the bill is on the rise.

    So does Kucinich really have to ask his base if they want him to vote for health care or else he’s a coward that doesn’t listen? Come on now. Somewhere between 60 and 80% of Democrats support the bill depending on the poll. It’s even higher if you measure liberals alone. Who do you think votes a far left Democrat like Kucinich into office every two years? GOP regressives?

    This goes back to arguing about the lack of support for the bill. There’s always been a 10-15% chunk of those who don’t support it because they think the bill doesn’t go far enough. Which side of the fence do you think those people are going to come down when faced with a choice between this real bill or an imaginary from-scratch bi-partisan pipe dream bill? These Democrats know the score. You don’t have to consult them them to know that.

    • Big Dog says:

      Here is your problem, you think Kucinich only represents his base. He represents all people in his district and I doubt you could show a majority of them in support.

      Health care will doom the Dems (and America) because it will be the nail in the coffin.

      Did he say anything about constituents?

      No, and no matter how you slice this Adam, he is a coward. He said he could not vote for it and then he got a joy ride in AF 1 and changed.

      Very cowardly.

      • Adam says:

        “Here is your problem, you think Kucinich only represents his base. …I doubt you could show a majority of them in support.”

        Really? My logic on this is as follows: The most liberal member of Congress has a base that is strong majority Democratic. We know the vast majority of Democrats support the health care bill. Therefore the majority of his base supports health care. Obviously we can’t see polls for just OH-10 on health care but I’m not seeing the logic behind your doubts.

        “He said he could not vote for it and then he got a joy ride in AF 1 and changed.”

        Yes, yes. We understand from 8 years of Bush that your side considers changing your mind a sign of weakness or cowardice. We get it. You just have to stick to your guns, right or wrong…

        • Adam says:

          By base I mean constituents of course. The vast majority of his constituents are Democrats and the vast majority of Democrats support health care so therefore at least a majority of his constituents support health care.

  2. Blake says:

    The Cowardly Elf was consistent in his position, and while I detested his position, I HAD admired his consistency- at least until he showed what a cheap date he really is, when he traded his ideals for a ride on Air Force One, making him the most cost- effective deal the Resident has made in office.
    This “Deem and Pass” crapola is UNCONSTITUTIONAL- and pointing out that the Reps did it too is a remarkably childish and semantically null argument- the government MUST stick to established procedure for legislation as significant as this, or it will be overturned, and I for one will not abide by these terms.