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Does The Soldier Have Standing In The Court?

There have been many lawsuits regarding Barack Obama and his eligibility to be the president. Most of them have been dismissed with the claim that the person filing the suit had no standing in the court, that is the person could not show how he was directly harmed by Obama not being eligible. I think every American has standing because the president does things that affect us all. The courts see it differently though I think some of it has to do with cowardice. They are afraid what they might find.

A soldier has joined in a lawsuit demanding proof that Obama is eligible. The Certificate of Live Birth he presented was a computer generated form that listed some pieces of the information in the database but it was not his actual Birth Certificate that would show many more things including where he was actually born. Under the laws in Hawaii at the time Obama could have been registered in Hawaii even if he were born elsewhere.

The soldier alleges that Obama is not eligible and therefore is not his leader. Soldiers take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic. They also take an oath to obey the orders of the president. If the soldier believes that Obama is not eligible then it is his duty to raise the question. Doing so upholds the Constitution and protects it. In addition, the soldier needs to know that the orders he is obeying are from a person who is eligible to give them.

I would think that there is no way the court could say that the soldier has no standing. He took an oath, an oath required of him, and his lawsuit is nothing more than fulfillment of that oath. How can the court say the soldier has no standing when the very issue affects every aspect of his professional career?

For me the red flag was raised when Obama spent nearly a million dollars to keep his birth certificate under lock and key. It was even more telling when the guy in charge of birth certificates said that a legal certificate was on file. He did not say that Obama was a citizen and since Hawaii had the funny rules about foreign births being registered there, the statement seemed to say, “yeah we have a legal paper but that is all we have.” He left wiggle room should the thing ever see the light of day.

It is quite telling that Obama’s legal folks are threatening Alan Keyes and filing suit to dismiss his case and to force him to pay the legal fees. This is just as telling as Obama hiding his birth certificate and the non statement of affirmation by the records guru in Hawaii.

I don’t know if Obama is eligible to be the president because he does not want me to know. For a guy who said he would have the most transparent administration in history his acts with regard to his birth certificate have been anything but transparent.

This soldier is doing the right thing. He is upholding his oath.

Obama could end all this by being transparent and spending the $10 it would cost for a certified copy of the birth certificate.

To the soldier I say HOOAH.

Big Dog

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