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Does John Edwards Wear a Skirt?

Elizabeth Edwards has made her views known regarding Rush Limbaugh only she took a different approach than attacking him for what he did not say about our soldiers. Instead, she attacked Limbaugh’s draft status, which was 1-Y (changed to 4-F when 1-Y was done away with) in order to indirectly say that Limbaugh should not call anyone a phony soldier when he had what Edwards views as a phony deferment. I will not discuss what Limbaugh said because everyone with a brain knows exactly what he said and what was meant by it. The Democrats are using this non issue to make something out of nothing. The old saying goes that if you tell a lie long enough it is accepted as true. That is why Global Warming is a “settled” issue.

Rush Limbaugh had a legitimate deferment from military service. Regardless of what people think about it or what he could have done to make himself eligible, he was legitimately deferred by the military for a legitimate medical problem. It is amazing to me that Edwards would take issue with Limbaugh’s words considering the phony soldier her husband teamed up with during the last Presidential election. Let us look at her husband, who has been less than honest about his draft status. From what I can tell he registered and had a draft number but according to one site he should have been drafted and was not. I have to wonder why that is and why Ms. Edwards would bring up something that could end up in a backlash. The last thing Edwards needs is a group of people discussing his military record…

What I really don’t understand is why Elizabeth Edwards keeps injecting herself into issues. She is not running for office and her constant babble is not helpful. John Edwards already has a reputation as a girly man and having his wife speak out, many times to defend him, does not help with that image. Edwards gives the impression that he is a pampered little wuss who cannot fight his own battles. While I realize that in the Limbaugh remarks Elizabeth was not taking up for John I also realize that real men do not send their wives out to take up for them. I can just imagine John Edwards getting into an argument that leads to fisticuffs and before the first punch is thrown he runs in to get Elizabeth to fight for him.

This is America and the Edwards are free to say what they want but before they attack Limbaugh for what he said and before they twist his words, they should be prepared to demonstrate how much they have done for the troops. How much money has John Edwards raised for the military? What veteran organizations or causes has he helped out? I am willing to bet that Limbaugh has raised more money for the military than Edwards has raised for his campaign.

After watching this iteration of the John Edwards ego stroking campaign, I am convinced that he wears skirts at home while Elizabeth wears the pants.

Big Dog

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