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Die Cheney is OK, Faggot Edwards is Not

Did you ever notice that the left is famous for fighting for rights? They are the champions of the people’s rights and they will fight for your right to (how come the Beastie Boys come to mind) do whatever you want and to say whatever you want, but only so long as what you say or do agrees with what they think you should say or do. Confused yet?

The left is all about free speech, especially when they are saying something that is offensive. It is their right. Look at Julio Pino at Kent State University. The school said that this guy has a right to free speech even though his free speech was anti American and he claimed to be helping the people trying to kill us. Look at all the wackos at the Huffington Post. They wrote some vile items about Dick Cheney after what was originally reported as a failed assassination attempt. The Hufpos were happy and were so nasty that she shut down the comments. Bill Maher defended the right of those commenting and said that Huffington should not have shut down the comments because it violated their right to free speech. Then Maher made the same argument and that is, the world would be better off is Cheney had been killed.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

I will just give a cursory mention about free speech. People do not have free speech any where they want at any time they want. The First Amendment says that the government will not make a law abridging free speech. Huffington owns the website and can say what goes up and what does not, just like I can at this site. You have no free speech here, you have no free speech at work. Your boss can tell you what you are and are not allowed to say or talk about. This is where many people make the mistake in this country. They assume they have free speech any where and any time and that just is not true. No regular citizen in this country is required to allow you to speak.

Maher and those at Huffington as well as the tin foil hat brigade at Kos all had their circular self gratification party going on and they were really hoping the VP had been killed. All of them were making vile remarks and expressing sorrow that he was NOT killed. Maher says this is free speech and they should be allowed to say it and he even agrees with it. So, can someone tell me, if free speech includes everything and if it is sacrosanct why are all these nimrods out there upset that Ann Coulter used the word Faggot to refer to John Edwards? Will Maher go on the air and tell people to leave her alone because she has rights and will all the moonbats defend her right to free speech? I believe it is more likely that Maher will have a show discussing how terrible she is for saying it.

This hypocrisy extends to the right as well. Wild Bill points out that the folks at Hot Air are really taking issue with Coulter for calling Edwards a Faggot and yet, Hot Air recently had a video depicting Edwards as My Little Pony (Silky Pony). The top Republican Presidential candidates have all weighed in on the issue. Why didn’t any of them have the testicular fortitude to say “I don’t agree with what she said but I will die defending her right to say it”? At least Obama had some guts when he had his dust up with Hillary. When asked about an apology for Geffen’s remarks he wanted to know why he should I apologize for what someone else said.

I don’t necessarily disagree with what Coulter said but I think that she said it in the wrong forum. I would certainly not have used the word Faggot when feminine would have suited the same purpose and been more accurate. He is not really a Faggot unless he is a closet Queer because he does have a wife and children. On the other hand, he primps in the mirror and always has that perfectly coiffed hair and he looks like a girly man so feminine would have been a good word.

In any event, the idiots who are crying about Coulter’s use of the word Faggot should try one of two things. Either clean up your own house or allow everyone the same right to Free Speech that you allow for yourself.

News Busters
Congrats to Ms. Underestimated for her mention in the article

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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.