Did Obama Break The Law?

Perhaps I should have asked if he broke the law again. In this case though, the issue is whether Obama filmed a campaign ad inside the White House which could be a violation of election laws. In the ad, Obama is seen asking people to send $5.00 donations which will enter them in a raffle to win dinner with Obama, trip expenses included.

The video from Real Clear Politics shows a background that is strikingly similar in appearance to the background Obama uses for his weekly radio addresses right down to identical lamps.

I doubt this will be much of an issue in the Lamestream Media because they ignore all things embarrassing to Obama. Let Michele Bachmann make a mistake about John Wayne and she is a moron, a flake or some airhead but let Obama tout his awarding the Medal of Honor to a living soldier even though he actually awarded it posthumously and it is virtually ignored.

Reportedly, Obama was told of his gaffe two days later and his response was to ask how it was being reported and when he found out that allies in the media were putting the kibosh on it he was more at ease and decided it could be ignored. It was not until it got legs that he became concerned and it was not until his Chief of Staff raised the roof that he apologized to the family of the fallen soldier.

It is a shame that the Commander in Chief would make such a mistake but it is more of a shame that his first response was to ask how it was playing rather than to admit the mistake and work to make amends. The media are as shameful because they ignore these Obama gaffes and outright demonstrations of incompetence all the time while pointing out the minutest of mistakes by those who want to replace their messiah.

Palin might botch the Paul Revere saga but I bet she would not botch whether she awarded the MOH to a dead soldier or a live one.

Now I have to admit that the media might not understand any of this. Perhaps it thought Obama actually did see the dead soldier to whom he awarded the medal. After all, they ignored his past declarations that he could see the dead.

…the long list of fallen, many of whom I see here today…

So given that the media are willing accomplices in the crime that is Obama it is unlikely they will report on his violation of campaign laws.

Hell, they don’t report on when he breaks the law by waging war without Congressional approval. Even Obama and Biden know that what they did was wrong…

“The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” – Sen. Barack Obama December 20, 2007.

Funny how when it was Bush, Obama was certain that he had no authority (even though Bush had Congressional approval). So Barack, what imminent threat does Libya pose to the US?

BIDEN FLASHBACK: ‘If he gives authorization to war… without Congressional approval, I will make it my business to impeach him!

Biden threatens to impeach Bush if he goes to Iran without Congressional approval and he says Iran is no threat to the US. Where is this lop-eared moron with regard to Obama and Libya? Come on Sheriff Joe, impeach Obama you hypocrite. Once again, what threat does Libya pose to the US?

The Obama regime is full of criminals, Communists, Socialists, and others generally in favor of changing America into a government run redistributer of wealth. It is supported by thugs who also break the law and who have no problem using lies and deceit to fool the liberal morons into voting Democrat.

It should surprise no one that the regime breaks the law. Obama does that routinely and his actions are concealed by the Lamestream Media either through willful distortion of the truth or by ignoring the crimes taking place.

I want to see the liberals who comment here ask Biden to start impeachment proceedings against Obama. They wanted it and supported it when Biden threatened to do it to Bush. Now that Obama has done what Biden said Bush would do, he needs to put his money where his bleached teeth are and impeach.

First, let’s address the violation of campaign laws by Obama. Does he have Buddhist Monks sending him money as well?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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28 Responses to “Did Obama Break The Law?”

  1. micasey says:

    And so…what difference does it make that he breaks the law….or abuses the executive order privilege…or lies every time he opens his mouth….and the list goes on. If I were in a position to do so…I would have him impeached and investigated and prosecuted….but I’m not in charge. I can’t get these things done….who can??? Why are we so helpless against this thuggery? Why is there no justice for the American people? Who represents us? Who in Washington is “up in arms” and determined to right these wrongs? Sometimes I simply cannot read these things…..it makes me feel overwhelmed and helpless. What is the point of knowing that American is being “wronged” and “run over” when there is no one in a position of power who is willing to at least attempt to right the wrong??

  2. Adam says:

    “First, let’s address the violation of campaign laws by Obama.”

    The room is most certainly the Map Room. Obviously not every room in the White House counts, as RCP points out, and presidents have shot similar videos before in the White House. Whether the Map Room and the subject of the video adds up to a violation of the law is a matter of debate. Given that this was a controversy for each of the other recent presidents I’d assume this one won’t go anywhere either.

    “Palin might botch the Paul Revere saga but I bet she would not botch whether she awarded the MOH to a dead soldier or a live one.”

    That is if she didn’t quit the ceremony half way through and not even award the medal. That would be more her style.

    “Now that Obama has done what Biden said Bush would do, he needs to put his money where his bleached teeth are and impeach.”

    Obama followed the bounds of the act by requesting authorization from Congress inside the 48 hour window of the aggression and now the question is will he stop the actions since the GOP won’t authorize them or will Congress take a stand and cut him off.

    If the GOP is sure about this then they can just cut the funding in Congress. Instead what you have is a political move where they rebuked Obama by not authorizing the actions but then kept the war money flowing so they can rebuke him again and again for more political points.

    The real subject is why the GOP Congress won’t authorize the actions in Libya like they would have had Bush been involved. They’ve outright admitted it’s the party of the president and not the actions that matter most here.

    • Big Dog says:

      It is absolutely entertaining to watch you bend over backwards to dismiss what Obama does. I guess Kucinich and the other Democrats who say Obama violated the Act are part of the GOP game plan to score political points.

      What you should be asking is why Obama did what he said Bush did not have the authority to do. Why is Biden not impeaching for what he said he would impeach Bush? You have a hard time with that, I know it requires thought.

      As for Palin, I know she scares you or else you would not keep playing up the quitter card when you know it is wrong. YOU KNOW you are full of crap on this and YOU KNOW what happened but you keep parroting your liberal echo chamber in hopes it will stick. Didn’t Obama say he was not qualified to be president and would not run and then quit his Senate duties in order to run?

      I bet Palin could beat the hell out of you Adam. She would hurt you badly. You can call her a quitter but I bet she would not quit beating the hell out of you.

      So take that lie somewhere else because it won’t fly here.

      As for what Obama did or did not do and what Bush did or did not do, Bush asked for and got Congressional approval for his actions. Obama did not. PERIOD.

      And that is from PMSNBC. But you keep on holding on to hope and change because it will lead you astray. It has already taken what little reason and integrity you had and made you a mindless drone that makes excuses for the very things you were supposedly against. Then again, how many times have you all lied about Bush. He never asked…

      Even Democrats admit he did…

      And there is that pesky thing called the Congressional record to show that it took place.

  3. Adam says:

    A good thing to point out is that few in politics are maintaining their stances in this role reversal. Kucinich seems to be the only one standing firm on his convictions about this war. You now have Democrats in the White House defending their use of executive powers to deploy American forces overseas and Republicans concerned about us getting bogged down in a foreign war. And all of this is done with a straight face. That’s rich.

    • Big Dog says:

      What I think you have are Democrats defending actions they were opposed to when Bush did it in response to attacks on this country (and after receiving Congressional approval) but defending Obama for initiating action against a country that is not a threat to us in any way and without Congressional approval.

      There is a difference between fighting those who attacked us or had something to do with attacking us and us attacking someone because we do not like what he is doing.

      Many Republicans are saying that Obama did it wrong and needs to do it right and demonstrate why we need to be there. Bush made his case whether you believed it or not or think it was honest or not, he made his case.

      Obama has failed to do that.

    • Big Dog says:

      Yes, things are upside down:

      “The war in Libya continues to lose support and despite liberals on a site like The Dally Kos who tout reasons to support the war, leftists in the anti-war ANSWER coalition are dead set against it.”

      Imagine that? Kos is supporting war when a Democrat is the one initiating it…

  4. Blake says:

    While Bari may have shot videos in the WH, the sticking point is the asking for money. THAT is the no-no.
    But rules are for other, less enlightened folks, I guess- as Mel Brooks once said, “It’s good to be king.”
    If this POS wasn’t Prez, he’d be getting food stamps, because lying isn’t a living.

  5. Adam says:

    “Didn’t Obama say he was not qualified to be president and would not run and then quit his Senate duties in order to run?”

    Quitting to take a higher office or a post is common in politics. Palin quit to make more money and blamed the ethics complaints. Keep on pretending it’s simply my fear of Palin and not the fact that she’s a complete clown and a political sideshow. I’ve got my popcorn. I’m just waiting for the event to start.

    “I bet Palin could beat the hell out of you Adam.”

    What on Earth is wrong with you? You realize that adults deal in rational arguments and facts while school children deal in bully statements and threats of violence in order to get their way?

    “Bush asked for and got Congressional approval for his actions. Obama did not.”

    Obama was within his power to start a conflict without authorization of Congress. He notified Congress within 48 hours of starting just as the War Powers Act requires and he was given 60 days for Congress to decide.

    “Why is Biden not impeaching for what he said he would impeach Bush?”

    Obama followed the act by notifying Congress after the fact and made his case for intervention. Now Congress has denied him the right to continue and though his lawyers suggest otherwise I think he should end the involvement and rip the GOP constantly for their hypocrisy in this conflict.

    • Big Dog says:

      I do know how adults are supposed to behave and I don’t need a child attepting to tell me. You are the one who called her a quitter and as you continue to lie about her I merely point out she could start on you and she would not quit until she was done. I point it out to show you are afraid of her.

      You act as if you can read her mind and since Adam says she did it for this reason, well he is right and knows what is in her heart and mind. Yes Adam, you are wonderful. So let me play this game. Obama wants to destroy America. He says he is working to fix it but his ACTIONS show otherwise so he wants to destroy us no matter what he says.

      You do this because you hate women and are a woman hater. You and your party constantly treat women like dirt.

      Chauvanist pigs is what you are and you should be ashamed of yourselves. You attack Palin because she is a woman and you lie about her and pretend that bnecause you are a man you can read her mind and know what she thinks because you think all women are second class citizens.

      Shame on you.

      • Adam says:

        “I point it out to show you are afraid of her.”

        You created an imaginary story about how Palin could beat me up to prop up your imaginary idea that I’m afraid of her? Sounds about right.

        “Obama wants to destroy America. He says he is working to fix it but his ACTIONS show otherwise so he wants to destroy us no matter what he says.”

        Don’t pretend you’re just throwing an absurd example out there when that example is what you and your fellow cons write daily on this site.

        “Chauvanist pigs is what you are and you should be ashamed of yourselves.”

        Talk about projecting. We both know who has trouble with women politicians and it sure isn’t me.

        I can’t help it that you carry water for clowns like Palin and Bachman and then accuse of me of sexism when I laugh at you for it.

        • Big Dog says:

          It is not an imaginary idea. You invented the story that she quit her job to make money. That is your story and you invented it (you and the left). She says something differently but to you all that is a lie because you say so despite the fact that you have no evidence to the contrary. All her emails were released and you all were made to look like fools when they displayed nothing. That was OK with you but when Obama’s state Senate records were requested they were all mysteriously gone. No one had a problem with that and you all don’t think his records should be reviewed. You all are afraid of Palin because she is a woman who has made it on her ow, without gubmint assistance and has been successful in her career and in raising her family. That upsets you all because women, like black folks, are not supposed to be successful without the gubmint there to assist them, at least in liberal land.

          So let me get this straight. Your attacks on Bachmann and Palin is based on them being clowns and therefore you are not some woman hater. But my attacks on Hillary, Boxer, Pelosi and other liberal women who are clowns makes me a woman hater, in your mind.

          Yep, that sounds about right. If a lib does it then it is OK but if a conservative does it he is a woman hater or a racist. It is demonstrated time and again by you and your ilk. You have been quite dismissive of racist and woman bashing comments made by liberals because in your mind they are not and could never be haters but have condemned conservatives for similar comments because in your mind they must always be haters.

          I do not project. Liberals do. Whatever they accuse us of they are actually doing. Has always been and will always be.

  6. victoria says:

    It is of course not hardly reported at all but Palin did not botch the Paul Revere story.

  7. Adam says:

    “You invented the story that she quit her job to make money.”

    Palin is all about Palin. She’ll throw any family member or friend under the bus to get publicity or an interview or the next book deal. She’s done this for years and continues to this day. But somehow you feel the need to defend her and cheer her on.

    “That was OK with you but when Obama’s state Senate records were requested they were all mysteriously gone.”

    Just because I’m a liberal and some liberals wanted the records doesn’t mean I think Palin’s records should have been looked through. I couldn’t care less about her or Obama’s records.

    “Your attacks on Bachmann and Palin is based on them being clowns and therefore you are not some woman hater. But my attacks on Hillary, Boxer, Pelosi and other liberal women who are clowns makes me a woman hater, in your mind.”

    My attacks on Bachmann and Palin are based on their public statements and their actions. Your attacks on liberals women are based on their looks and sexuality. It’s not surprising that you can’t see the difference.

    “I do not project. Liberals do.”

    Right. The ultimate projection here is how you run from your record of statements against women and simply pretend I hate women because I think Palin and Bachmann are clowns, liars and complete jokes. No, they’re just conservative idiots that happen to be women.

    • Big Dog says:

      And here is where you show what a moron you actually are. Oh wait, I called you a name so does that mean I am a man hater?

      I wrote particular items about particular people. I did not say anything about women in general. Just like you who attacked a few PARTICULAR women and not all women in general. It is not surprising you can’t see it because you are a moron.

      This is not uncommon for you. I say Al Sharpton is a race baiting poverty pimp and you extrapolate that to all blacks and call me racist when I am talking about one person in particular. In your examples, I am talking about particular people and not all women in general.

      And here is where you are actually stupid about it. You call it my record against women when in fact it mentions only a few people. Madonna, Pelosi, Dowd, Hillary and a few others.

      So tell me, if a woman sleeps around is she a skank and if you call her that are you insulting all women?

      Garafolo is a CU*T. Now I know you will use that and say I have a problem with all women while you ignore her slam against all Tea Party people when she called them racist rednecks. SHE BASHED AN ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE AND YOU IGNORED IT but had a problem with my attack on her and ONLY her.

      And I find it funny that you will blow Obama on a moment’s notice and cover for him while claiming Palin is self serving and throws people under the bus. You seem to have missed that Obama (who is a racist by the way…That is how white people will do you and my typical white person grandmother) threw his pastor, his grandmother, his friend Ayers, and countless others under the bus in order to get elected. Did you miss that because your head was still stuck in your a$$ or are you still stoned from college?

      Your attacks are based on public statements but mine are not? Are you high or what. I have called particular women names but I have based my views on their public statements.

      The problem is, you view all that your side says as pure genius and all that my side says as stupidity. So when Bachmann makes a mistake she is an idiot but when Pelosi describes the WORD or says we have to pass a bill to see what is in it you defend it and say it is genius.

      i understand, you are not extremely bright and have never been a leader so it is easy to pull you around by your nose but before you point to me and scream sexist or racist you should learn what they mean. I do not go by the definitions or opinions of Adam. His opinions do not count. He does not know what these things are and does not know the difference between a personal attack and one on an entire group (or he would be pointing in the other direction).

    • Big Dog says:

      Did anyone notice that Adam deflected this from the moronic remarks made by Obama as compared to Bachmann or Palin and turned it into an attack on women? He will do anything to save his messiah.

  8. Adam says:

    “I wrote particular items about particular people. I did not say anything about women in general.”

    True, and yet one thing remains. Find me a liberal woman you haven’t slammed as ugly, a whore, a slut, or a cunt. Find me a liberal woman you’ve been critical of simply for her views or her actions as opposed to her looks or age. Can you do it?

    “The problem is, you view all that your side says as pure genius and all that my side says as stupidity.”

    No. For instance I know plenty of smart conservatives. I just don’t find many of them around here.

    “…That is how white people will do you and my typical white person grandmother…”

    Still parroting right wing distortions I see. Obama is open and clear about his views on race and how they have changed from the time he was a child to the time he was an adult.

    “Did anyone notice that Adam deflected this from the moronic remarks made by Obama as compared to Bachmann or Palin and turned it into an attack on women?”

    Did anyone notice how Big Dog once again baseless accused me of being sexist simply for disagreeing with Palin? Did anyone notice how Big Dog ramped up the personal insults and swearing once he realized he’d stepped into a yellow jacket nest that is his own documented record on sexist language against liberal women? This takes projection to the level of an art form.

    Unlike you I do not attack Palin or Bachmann in terms of their gender or sexuality simply for disagreeing with them. I’m not suggesting you hate all women, just that you see no problem in launching sexist attacks on women you disagree with and that when it comes to accusing me of sexism you’d need to actually document such a thing.

    • Big Dog says:

      I stepped in no nest of any kind. You pointed out nothing and you have failed to show that anything said was sexist. You continue to call me sexist if I criticize any woman on the left. Yes Adam, just search and you will see a number of times where I had something positive to say about Hillary, where I said positive things about Giffords and Gilibrand. I have had good things or polite disagreements with a number of liberal women because they acted like human beings.

      You see no problem with these women using their words to attack conservatives and would not call them any kind of hater but when someone responds to them it is that person who you find fault with. Gerafolo makes a disparaging remark about Tea Party people calling them redneck tea bagging racists and I respnd by calling her a skank and you blame me and leave her blameless?

      You have no credibility. I imagine you are about the only one who sees it this way.

      Yes Adam, I made a baseless accusation of sexism against you. How does it feel? You do that ALL THE TIME when you throw the sexist or racist words around.

      And to be clear, I see no problem defending against vile attacks waged by others. Show me where I launched an attack on these people rather than responding to their words.

      And I am not parroting distortions. Obama said them. He and his justice department demonstrate how he views white people all the time. He is a racist. My God Adam, you call me a racist or sexist for things that are neither but defend this guy when he is overtly racist. You do the same with all liberals (as has been demonstrated a number of times) because you have this preconceived notion that a liberal could never be such things.

      And you are wrong.

      Who is with me here?

  9. Big Dog says:

    You don’t find many smart conservatives around here. That is rich. Is your degree somehow better than anyone else’s?

    Are you smarter than the folks who come here that happen to work hard and pay their taxes, who have never been on welfare and who believe in personal responsibility?

    No, it is you who are the genius of the group. Mr. wet behind the ears who has little world experience who carries the water of the Democrats and excuses all things they engage in even though he previously opposed the behavior when Bush did it.

    Yeah, Adam is the genius. The product of public school and liberal upbringing. And he displays it with that I am smarter (and therefore better) than you people. Know who your betters are.

    Yeah Adam. I think we can survive without you or your ideas…

    • Adam says:

      “Are you smarter than the folks who come here that happen to work hard and pay their taxes, who have never been on welfare and who believe in personal responsibility?”

      As if working hard, paying taxes, and not needing welfare makes you somehow excuses the conservatives on this site from making logical arguments based on facts and reality.

      “No, it is you who are the genius of the group.”

      Get offended all you like. You’re the only one here suggesting I think I’m that smart. I’m just a slightly above average intelligence tech professional. I don’t claim to be that much smarter than everyone on this site but I do claim to base my views on reality and evidence as opposed to the knee-jerk nonsense you can see conservatives writing on this site daily.

      “Mr. wet behind the ears who has little world experience…”

      You see, you’ve been making that argument for almost a decade now. How old do I have to get before I’m no longer just a little kid with no experience to you? It’s kind of silly at this point.

  10. Big Dog says:

    Is Alec Baldwin sexist?

    Read it folks, Baldwin is calling a person who happens to be a woman names so he must be sexist.

    Adam will find a way to dismiss this.

    • Big Dog says:

      And Baldwin projected. Obama raised money that fast so he is to be scared right?

      Plus, Bachmann’s money comes from a lot of small dollar donors, not the thuggish interests Baldwim fears.

      Those thugs were behind Obama. Hollywood, unions, foreigners from countries in the Middle East, all thugs who Obama was beholden to after he was immaculated.

      • Adam says:

        Your argument seems to pretend I won’t call liberals sexist. I have no idea what Baldwin said nor do I care. I’ve called out liberals for sexism many times in the past in cases like Olbermann and Democratic politicians that called women whores. You cannot excuse away your record against women or make me stop calling you out on it by pointing to other sexists and pretending I think they’re fine.

  11. Big Dog says:

    Adam bases his ideas on logic and rational thought, except when he does not. When Bush was president and Adam had his own blog he went off the rails a number of times with outlandish things. Adam had BDS and would run with every little thing.

    Adam continues that now with the bogus stimulus “facts” the big oil BS and the idea that Republicans can’t lead. Oh, Democrats have led us into bankruptcy but that is leadership to Adam.

    Yes, logic. It tells you that spending money you don’t have will solve a financial problem. It tells you that government produces jobs and that the 5% unemployment that was present under Bush was bad (you and your side said so) and that the 9+% under Obama is all Bush’s fault.

    Debbie Wasserman said it best. You all own the economy and it is failing.

    Adam went off the rails when Bush issued any kind of EO or signing statement but excuses that for Obama. Obama is not transparent so Adam reinvents the word transparent and excuses what is being done.

    Believe what you want Adam but don’t insult people here who are hard working and have a right to say what they want as well.

    • Adam says:

      “Adam had BDS and would run with every little thing.”

      I’ve admitted to my inability to differentiate facts from hyperbolic rhetoric during the Bush years. After all those years when you called me young and uninformed and put yourself up as the seasoned adult you have now under a Democrat revealed yourself to be as hyperbolic and irrational as you ever saw my side being. It’s a shame. You’re old enough to know better.

      “Believe what you want Adam but don’t insult people here who are hard working and have a right to say what they want as well.”

      As if I’ve ever said someone had no right to say something on this site.

  12. Big Dog says:

    You will not call liberals sexist or racist. In your world they can’t possibly be.

    You have no time and do not care what Baldwin said but you have time to go back and copy and paste specific items I wrote about certain people and then save it.

    So tell me, what is your motive?

    • Adam says:

      “In your world they can’t possibly be.”

      Of course they can. I live in the South. I see racists every day of every political stripe.

      “You have no time and do not care what Baldwin said…”

      Baldwin isn’t the author of this blog nor is he accusing me of being sexist simply for opposing a female conservative. I compiled a list of your quotations simply to stop you from calling me a sexist without providing any example of be actually using sexist language. It hasn’t worked. Facts and sources aren’t important on this site anymore.