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Dick Turban, We Know What Side You Are On

Senator Dick Turban has shown America time and again what side he is on. He is always on whatever side is against this country. He showed that when he disrespected our troops and by constantly siding with anyone that makes claims against this country. This is what he said about legislation before the Senate that deals with illegal immigration:

“This is a vote that for millions of Americans is a question about whose side you’re on,” said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second- ranking Democrat, adding that unless legislation clears the Senate this week, it may be doomed for the year.

I will tell you Dickie boy, I am on the side that says kick the illegals out of the country and lock the door after they leave. I am on the side that believes we should prosecute those who are here ILLEGALLY. I am on the side that believes Americans should not have to pay their hard earned money supporting criminals, and that is what they are.

Now I wonder what Dick means by millions of Americans? If he means the ILLEGALS, they are not Americans. If he means the group that supports letting them come in and illegally and receive amnesty than he is discounting the many more millions of Americans who do not want the ILLEGALS here. The country is overwhelmingly in support of sending the ILLEGALS home. So the real situation is, what side are you on Dick? The majority that wants ILLEGALS sent home, or the minority that wants ILLEGALS to stay here and suck off the teat of government.

I know what side you are on Turban. The side that is not in the best interest of America. You always are and you always will be.

Source: Breitbart

[tags]Dick Durbin, Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, INS, green card, illegal workers, legislation, deportation, vote[/tags]