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Detroit Deserves To Waste Taxpayer Money

Councilwoman JoAnn Watson of Detroit is saying that the city deserves (get that, deserves) a bailout at least as big as the one GM received. This is, of course, assuming you think GM deserved to be bailed out. Conservatives believe that GM and any other company that could not make it should be left to fail. Some other entity can then come in and take the failure’s place. Watson is a liberal, in a liberal city, that has been run into the ground by liberals and now she wants the American taxpayer to foot the bill.

Why should Detroit get any money from people who do not live there and who do not visit there? Why does Detroit DESERVE bailout money?

Why would we give that city our money just so it could spend it on the failed liberal policies that got it in the mess in the first place?

Detroit deserves better leadership and it deserves people who can run a city without running it into the ground. Watson is a typical liberal. Promise the world to people until a majority of them depend on government (and the producers leave) to exist and then beg for someone to bail them out when the policies fail.

How about Detroit revamp its tax system and entice businesses to move there and invest instead of begging taxpayers from across the nation to foot the bill for policies that guarantee poverty?

And while she is at it perhaps she can tap some of Detroit’s rich alumni** and ask them for the money?

One thing is certain, the taxpayer should not foot the bill for Detroit or any other city (or state) whether they think they deserve it or not.

**Not everyone on this list is rich but quite a few are.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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