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Democrats Worried, Try To Get Votes From Felons

Senator Hillary Clinton is introducing legislation that would allow felons to vote. She and John Kerry are also pushing to make election day a Federal Holiday to “encourage” people to vote.

The democrats want to allow felons to vote for one reason and one reason only. The majority of felons would vote for democrats. The dems want to beef up their vote totals by allowing those who have forfeited their right to vote to do that very thing. If these people want to vote then they should not commit crimes.

Let’s top this off with making election day a holiday. It does not take all day to vote. Additionally, many people will take the day off and not vote anyway. Voting is a civic responsibility and we should not need to make election day a holiday to encourage people to exercise their civic duties. What next? Will we make everyday a holiday so people can exercise their civic responsibilities with regard to jury duty? Perhaps employers can require proof that a person voted before paying them for the day off. Since we can not get the government to require IDs to vote, I doubt we can get them to agree with this. The dems are trying a double whammy. Give people a free day so they might vote, hell they will vote for the guys who gave them a day off. Then we can let the felons vote so they will put dems in office.

This is an outright ploy to drum up more voters. I think if people want to vote they will make the time. The military voted and they are all over the world in a hell of a lot worse conditions than the people who had to stand in the rain for a while. The only difference is, people like Boxer, Clinton, and Kerry will cry about the folks who stood in the rain and tell us they were disenfranchised while trying to suppress the military vote. Could it be they want every vote to count but only if it is for a democrat?

Clinton has this on her web site so people can support it. Since we give criminals in our jail systems everything from cable TV to internet access, they can at least practice voting by “clicking” to suppport this terrible idea.

Read about it here.