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Democrats Want President To Fail

But only when it was Bush

Ever since Rush Limbaugh said that he wanted Obama to fail the left has been battier than ever. They have attacked Limbaugh and have made him the leader of the Republican party and cried about how terrible this is. The White House has addressed the issue with the Press Secretary saying all Republican leaders should be asked if they agree with Rush. They pulled a Bush in saying that you are either with them [the Dems] or you are with Rush.

This has been all twisted around and the true meaning of what Limbaugh said has been lost. For the daft, he said that he wanted the president to fail. He knows what Obama wants and what his plans are and he wants those plans, or liberalism, to fail. I have seen the comments here and at other sites. How dare anyone wish the president would fail. That is not American and quite unpatriotic. Yes, they claim that anyone who feels this way wants the country to fail when the opposite is the case. I have stated that the Democrats wanted Bush to fail but they have all claimed that he was only called a failure after he actually (in their eyes) failed.

Well now, there is a poll from August 2006 and it has some interesting information on it. Here is a snapshot of the question:


My understanding is that this was a poll taken in the thick of the Iraq war and the question might have related to the war but that makes no difference. The question clearly asks ‘Do you want President Bush to succeed?” The answer from 51% of the Democrats was no. If they did not want him to succeed then they wanted him to FAIL. You got that moonbats, FAIL. Let me write it again. The Democrats wanted Bush to FAIL.

I am giving the benefit of the doubt because I do not have the rest of the poll. Flopping Aces indicates it was about the war which means that the Democrats wanted Bush to fail in the war effort. In order for us to FAIL, then our troops had to fail so for all the liberals who came here and said that they never saw where anyone said they wanted the troops to fail, this (if it was about the war) is it. Otherwise they wanted Bush to FAIL overall which is no different than what Limbaugh said.

There is no escaping what the results are and there is no escaping the FACT that Democrats wanted President Bush to fail.

Where were all these people who are indignant at Limbaugh’s statement when it was being said about Bush. Where was that pencil neck douchebag Olberman? Where was little Chrissie Matthews? Where were the people who comment here and say how horrible it is that Rush wants Obama to fail?

I have made it clear and I will do so again. I want Barack Obama’s plans to fail. I do not want his spending to go through and I do not want all his plans to make us a Socialist nation to succeed.

For those of you on the left who do not like that, refer to the above poll and then STFU.

This poll result from the Bush era should quiet any further outbursts from the left.


It is plain as day.

Not so righteous now, are you?

I wonder how many will comment and say that it was wrong then (even though they said nothing at the time) and I wonder how many will make excuses.

Time to man up liberals. Admit you had the same feelings. It is cleansing to get these things off your chest.

The next time some liberal whines about someone saying he wants Obama to fail show him this poll and tell him to take a hike.

Thanks to Flopping Aces for the graphic and the information.

Big Dog

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