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Democrats Target CIA

The Democrats do not like the CIA especially since that organization showed that Nancy Pelosi lied about her knowledge of water boarding. Maybe if we water board her we can get the truth…

Democrats tried to slip language in a bill that would hamper the efforts of the CIA and make people subject to 15 year jail terms for harsh interrogation. The language was ambiguous and would hamper our intelligence gathering efforts. To their credit, some Democrats came out against the provision which was eventually removed. But this is not likely the end of the effort:

Hoekstra said the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Intelligence chairman Rep. Silvestre Reyes, who “have such a distaste for the rank and file in the CIA,” will “use whatever tools at their disposal to find other ways to make this law.”

Hoekstra said he thinks Pelosi and Reyes, on the same day President Obama held his highly publicized health-care summit, “were hoping nobody would notice,” they were pushing the legislation through, trying to “sneak it through.”

Even several Democratic members, Hoekstra said, told him Thursday night when they realized the interrogation amendment made it into the intelligence bill that they had “no idea why the speaker and Reyes would put this in.” The DC

Maybe now is the time for the operatives in the CIA (the real ones, not the Plame types) the work on sabotaging the reelection efforts of people like Pelosi and Reyes. Perhaps the CIA could come up with convincing evidence of wrong doing or compromising situations that would help voters decide when they vote. Maybe some leaked memos around election time would be helpful especially ones that specifically show Pelosi as a liar.

It seems to me that if Pelosi and her ilk want to destroy the careers of people in the CIA then the agents in that agency have an obligation to return the favor and they certainly have the ability to make life miserable from the shadows.

It would be great to see them engage the enemy within from within.

Big Dog


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