Democrat’s Strategy; LIE!

The Democrats are in full court press mode as the budget battle heads toward the next round of attempting to get a budget in order. Chuck Schumer, the whiny liberal Senator, was caught on a conference call instructing fellow Democrats to use the word extreme while describing the Republican’s cuts and to tell the press that was supposed to join the call that Republicans were refusing to negotiate. The problem is that the reporters were already on the line and heard Schumer instructing his colleagues to lie about what is going on.

Evidently, the Democrats had a liberal focus group and when they said Republican’s budget cuts are extreme the wimpy liberals wet their pink panties so Democrats are now using that term. Harry Reid used it as well during the day because that is the new plan.

The Democrat who takes the cake is the moron from Maryland, Steny Hoyer. Hoyer, who calls the Tea Party Caucus the perfectionist caucus, said that Democrats will not be to blame if the government shuts down (which it never really does) and he made the amazing claim that this would not be a problem if Democrats were in charge:

“It’s self-evident we don’t control Washington, or we wouldn’t be having this problem,” Hoyer said, arguing that Democrats would not be to blame if the government shuts down. FOX News

This is amazing because the reason we have the problem is that Democrats WERE in charge. Yes Mr. Hoyer, the problem we are now facing over not having a budget is because you and your fellow Democrats failed to exercise your Constitutional duties and pass a budget last year. You were too cowardly to pass a budget prior to the election and this is why we have a problem.

If you had done your job then we would have a budget in place and would not be wasting time trying to get one passed nearly a half year after it was due.

In other words Steny, you are full of crap. We certainly would have this problem if you were in charge because that is why we have the problem.

It is amazing to me that this moron would make such an obviously stupid (and false) statement but then again Democrats are full of people who make stupid and false statements.

You did not do you job Mr. Hoyer and that is one of the reasons you and your party took a first class beating in the last election.

As for calling the Tea Party Caucus the perfectionist caucus, perhaps if we had more people trying to achieve perfection and fewer trying to rape the taxpaying public we would not be in such bad shape.

I would rather be part of the perfectionist party than be part of the dumb ass party and that sir, is where you reside.

Time is running out and if the government shuts down it will be the sole responsibility of the Democrats for failing to pass a budget when they were suposed to.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender,never submit.
Big Dog


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15 Responses to “Democrat’s Strategy; LIE!”

  1. Adam says:

    I think your side should worry about a shut down. I think the Democrats will be very successful at spinning a shut down as the fault of the GOP. I can’t see that your side suggesting a shut down isn’t really a shut down is much of a political strategy.

    The Tea Party continues to be unpopular to the general public. It’s no surprise the Democrats are coordinating to blame every problem on them even when it’s a stretch.

    I like how the movement has folks like Michelle Bachmann telling pants on fire lies almost every time she speaks. I can’t wait for her to run for president.

    • Big Dog says:

      You keep telling yourself that the Tea parties are not popular. Just like you keep telling yourself that people want Obamacare. You might be correct if your idea of the general public is the liberal general public. The Tea party group is SO unpopular that it unseated a lot of Democrats.

      • Adam says:

        “You keep telling yourself that the Tea parties are not popular.”

        Please find me a poll that runs counter to what I’m suggesting.

        “Just like you keep telling yourself that people want Obamacare.”

        I’m honest about the low support for the bill. Why can’t you be honest about the Tea Party?

        “The Tea party group is SO unpopular that it unseated a lot of Democrats.”

        Support for the movement was certainly stronger back in November than it is now. What is telling though is that 60% of the Tea Party candidates lost in an election that overwhelmingly favored the GOP. Explain that one. It’s not a popular movement. It’s just not.

        • Big Dog says:

          Let us look at the results:

          “The Tea Party has dropped the most in popularity among U.S. residents in the bottom half of the income distribution, CNN said. Since October, its favorability rating has dropped 15 points among people with incomes below $50,000 and 5 points among those making more than $50,000.”

          The people who pay 3% of the taxes and who get the most from big government have shown less support.

          It is a CNN poll. Polling that audience and getting these results would have to equate to higher numbers among a better balance of society.

          • Adam says:

            “The people who pay 3% of the taxes and who get the most from big government have shown less support.”

            Don’t forget these these:

            AP-GfK Poll: 65% Not a supporter
            CBS News: 64% Not a supporter

            There is a core of support no doubt but as you pointed out by the falling off through the income brackets it’s retreating back to the same core that is simply the GOP core.

            “Polling that audience and getting these results would have to equate to higher numbers among a better balance of society.”

            It’s not polling the CNN audience. It was a random telephone sample done by Opinion Research Corporation in partnership with CNN.

  2. Blake says:

    Au Contraire, Adam- the Dems are the party in control, and most people who have a rudimentary brainstem know when they have NO MONEY- and they know that when a government has no money, it can’t do things either.
    All except for the brain-dead “I want some o’that Obamma money” crowd. But then, they understand nothing except possibly how to rob a store or jack a car.

  3. Adam says:

    Even with the Dems as the party in power under Clinton the GOP still caught hell for grinding government to a halt. They will again. The tea party does not represent the majority of Americans and the GOP is still seen as more interested in helping corporations and the rich than they are with helping the American public.

    • Big Dog says:

      Possibly the GOP is seen that way by the morons on the left who ignore the fact that major corporations spent more on Democrats and that Democrats have allowed the government to purchase major corporations. The majority of Americans are in favor of smaller government and less spending whether you call it Tea party or something else. Those who do not agree with it are the Owebama money crowd who think that redistribution ans access to another’s money is perfectly OK. You know, the takers in society.

      • Adam says:

        “The majority of Americans are in favor of smaller government and less spending…”

        I doubt “smaller government” can defined in any successful way as to be polled correctly. Most Americans want to cut spending and reduce government on the things outside of their state and for programs that they aren’t using. It’s one of the weird natures of the American public.

        • Blake says:

          Adam- Smaller government is gonna hurt, no matter how you slice it. SS and Medicare/aid WILL have to be refigured, and benefits may have to be severly curtailed, no matter which side of the aisle you are on- the only difference is that the Republicans, pushed by the Tea Party, are beginning to realize that it will take more than teleprompter speeches to get out of this hole we have dug for ourselves.
          If we do not, we will NOT have a country that we can call our own, for the Chinese and everyone BUT us will own this country, and that will not be a good thing for any of us, unless you are delusional or like to work in sweat shops.
          Unions are delusional if they think they will survive amongst the Chinese, or Russians or even the Indians.

  4. Eoj Trahneir says:

    When Dems are in power, the government “grinding to a halt” is a positive thing. Dems doing something, anything, is the problem.

    If Dems made one choice that actually improved the condition of the US people, business and/or social conditions, conservatives may have a reason to hope.

    But they make consistent and increasingly poor choices. Almost like they are geneticially incapable of doing what is in the best interests of The American People.

    How do you account for that?