Democrats Running From Obama And Pelosi

Democrats are running scared because they have a feeling of impending doom. The November midterm elections are just around the corner and it does not look like anything will go in favor of Democrats in time to save them from defeat. So many Democrats have resorted to insulting the intelligence of their constituents by pretending that they are not like those people in DC.

Joe Donnelly of Indiana is one such Democrat. Donnelly, by most measures, is a moderate Democrat. He is pro life and pro gun but holding those positions does not mean anything if one is willing to walk in lock step with party leadership. Donnelly has an ad out that shows Obama and Pelosi in an “unflattering” manner and his shtick is; I am not one of them, I am one of us.

Right Joe. You campaigned for Barack Obama and you supported his agenda. Certainly you had your moments where you opposed some of what was going on but when push came to shove you voted with the other Democrats to approve the Senate version of Obamacare. About 70% of the population opposes the mandate (the one Obama opposed as a candidate) and almost two-thirds oppose the health care reform as it was presented. You voted against those majorities and with your party.

On March 21, 2010, Joe Donnelly voted in favor of approving the Senate version of the Democrats’ health care reform bill. Wikipedia

You Joe, are not one of your constituents, you are one of the people in DC. Your problem now is that you come from a fairly conservative area and you are trying to convince people that you are the same moderate guy they elected and you are trying to fool people by pretending you oppose the DC leadership.

You are a liar Joe and one would hope your constituents are not stupid enough to fall for your blatant rewriting of history and your blatant attempt to deceive them.

And one other thing about this guy, and I hope you folks in his district are paying attention, he voted for the stimulus package. That’s right, he voted for the package that indebted our children and grandchildren to government.

That is not moderate and those votes come from a person who is not worthy of retention in office.

People of Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District take the opportunity to tell this guy, in the words of Donald Trump. “You’re fired!”

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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8 Responses to “Democrats Running From Obama And Pelosi”

  1. Clearly, party discipline and party unity can work for an officeholder standing for re-election, or against him. Sometimes they do both at once: the party supports the candidate with funds and field work, but the voters move toward his opponent from revulsion over the party’s agenda and accomplishments.

    Politics: From the Greek poli, meaning “many,” and the Saxon tics, meaning “disgusting little blood sucking vermin.”

  2. Blake says:

    The only thing about politicians are that (and this is a terrible thing to say, even if it is true) this is the only job they feel they can do- steal from the people- and we have let them( that is our sin).
    NO MORE! It will take a vigilant and INFORMED public to begin weeding out these bloodsuckers who feel that their entire life should be in politics, instead of trying to make something out of themselves in the private sector.
    Politics was NEVER meant to be a career- and if you need “two lawyers and an accountant” in order to read a bill, than there should be someone who can shoot the lawyers and translate the bill into plain english.
    It’s really not that hard.

  3. Adam says:

    “Politics was NEVER meant to be a career…”

    But yet our state and federal government has always been run by folks who spent the better part of their adulthood in politics in one role or another.

    If you take the signers of the Declaration of Independence for example you’ll see that before and after the revolution almost all of them were active in their states and in the federal government, many up until their deaths. Their time in politics ranges from 1 year to 50 years and averages to about 25 years in office for the typical signer. That’s not all that different from today.

    • Big Dog says:

      Ah, but did they? Many of these folks indeed spent a lot of time in politics in years as they were founding a new nation but they were not year round politicians. The Congress met at least once a year and they went home to work their farms and do other business. Some of these folks were called back to service (Washington) by the country.

      Not different from today? Big differences. Today they are full time, on the dole and grant themselves huge pensions with great perks, all things the founders did not want.

      I find there to be no comparison because the founders did not intend for people to make politics a career. That is why it was a part time gig.

      • Adam says:

        I’m not saying things are the same but there are two notions here that are misleading.

        First of all Congress for example gets paid more now than early on but not that much more when adjusted for inflation. A salary of $7,500 a year in 1871 for instance is about $133,000 a year in today’s dollars. That is very comparable to modern salaries in Congress. There are differences in pensions and perks of course but the portrait of a member of Congress growing fat off the dole is very misleading and no founder is going to turn in his grave because of it.

        Second, the notion that these people were farmers (or another job) most of the year and politicians a little bit is just not true either. Sure they had other jobs, but you make it seem like they only met a few times a year. That’s not true. Generally Congress was in session for around 100 or even 200 or more days a year depending on what was going on at the time. That’s just Congress though. Governors and Presidents required a lot more time and many of the founders assumed these roles in the new government.

        When you search for founders and career politicians on google you find a ton of conservatives rambling on and on about it as if the founders were folks who wanted to serve for just a few years and then go back to the plow. This is silly and inaccurate.

        • Big Dog says:

          I think you have it wrong. The Founders were men of wealth. Most folks who enter Congress now GET wealthy. Look at how many people get very wealthy after being there (sure some are wealthy when they enter). It is not just the salary. And the Founders would absolutely not like what is going on with all the perks. You were supposed to serve the country, not the other way around.

          As for the time in session, as you say it depended on what was going on but they were home quite a bit working their land. The original colonies were close so they could travel back and forth but it still took some time so they got what they needed done and then went home. Look at the Constitution and see what it says about Congress meeting. Try the 20th Amendment second paragraph.

          The Founders envisioned a citizen government that is replaced regularly and NOT a political ruling class. To think anything else is to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Founders and the birth of this nation.

          Jefferson was opposed to career politicians. He believed that people were more likely to become corrupted the longer they stayed in government. He believed that those career politicians viewed their positions as “a species of property
          , and government rather than a means of promoting rather as a mean of promoting individual interests than as an instrument created solely for the service of the people” .

          Jefferson also opposed strong centralized government. In his inaugural address he defined good government as:

          “a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned”. Link