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Democrats Love Occupy As Long As They Are Someplace Else

The Democrats love the Occupy protesters so much that they have praised them and their work. Many of the Democrats, including Barack Obama, have equated the Occupy degenerates to the TEA Party though one wonders why since Democrats have not had anything nice to say about the TEA Party.

The DNC will have its convention in Charlotte North Carolina and that city is working to enact ordinances that will prohibit the Occupy folks from protesting during the convention. The politicians claim that no particular group is targeted by these proposed ordinances but the statement about them paints a different picture:

“The recent issues related to camping on city property have further amplified the need to review whether the city wants to regulate this activity during the DNC.” A city councilman added of the current Occupy Charlotte faction, “Once those ordinances go into effect, those overnight stays will end.” New York Mag

The Democrats have no problem with these people disrupting cities around the country and praise them every chance they get. However, the story is quite different when the possibility exists that the Occupy crowd might disrupt the Democrat’s Convention.

Then, the protesters are a problem that needs to be addressed in a fashion that keeps them away.

I wonder how many Democrats would support such actions if taken in other cities. How would they respond if Republican politicians enacted ordinances to keep the Occupy cretins from infesting an area.

Yep, Democrats support them as long as they are useful to the cause and not actually bothering Democrats themselves.

Sort of like minority voters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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