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Democrats’ Gas Solution; More Taxes

The Democrats have long believed that more taxes are the answer to every problem we face. They tax anything and they increase the taxes on everything just to cover their out of control spending. Of course there are those who defend the so called “progressives” and indicate that higher taxes are necessary but that is foolish thinking by people who either don’t pay taxes, hide their income so they are not subjected to taxes, or don’t understand how a budget is supposed to work.

The cost of gasoline is hurting a lot of people in this country. Gasoline went from a little over $2.00 a gallon when the Democrats took control of Congress to over $4.00 a gallon now. Fair or not, it happened on their watch and if they can blame all that is evil on Republicans when they had control then turn about is certainly fair play.

Many groups are calling for an end to the moronic restrictions this country has on drilling for our own oil. The President and the Congress have banned oil exploration in many areas that we own, areas that have known deposits of oil. The President lifted the Executive Order banning the drilling but Democrats in Congress continue to obstruct our progress. They simply will not allow drilling. People like Al Gore (who obstructs from outside Congress) and Nancy Pelosi have stated we cannot drill our way out of the problem which is a silly and illogical statement because it is patently false. Drilling and using the oil we have will provide relief while alternatives to fossil fuels are developed (they have talked about developing alternatives for decades but it is just talk). It is insane to eliminate one form of dependable fuel when no viable alternative exists and I don’t care how much Al Gore cries about it. Gorebal Warming is a hoax and the idea that drilling will not help us is as stupid as saying that a man dying of thirst cannot drink his way out of it.

What is the solution that Democrats have for high gas prices? They want to increase taxes. Not only the taxes on oil company profits (which would be passed on to consumers) but on the gasoline that consumers buy. Congress is considering raising the tax by 10 cents a gallon. This comes after a member of a construction industry told members that a gas tax holiday (I do not favor that, I favor eliminating the gas tax altogether) would decrease the amount of money available for transportation projects, which are already down because people are driving less, and would result in a large number of construction employees (read union) out of work just before an election. Democrats cannot afford to lose votes so they want to boost the gas tax to ensure that union workers have jobs.

The transportation trust fund is no different than any other fund in government. They raid it and use the money for whatever they wish. They also call the Social Security money a Trust Fund but it has been raided more times than the Lost Ark. Transportation money is used for all kinds of projects and some of them even deal with transportation.

This idea is only the beginning of the pain that they want you to feel at the pump. In addition to the 10 cents a gallon, they want to index it to construction cost inflation. That whole idea is just ready made for corruption. Additionally, the taxes you pay on gas would continually change based on the inflation in construction and it would be a percentage of the price you are paying per gallon. I have seen ideas like this and there is no reverse button. If there is no inflation or things are really good (like costs go down) they keep the price at the last level. In other words, it can only increase and not decrease.

They are also looking at implementing congestion pricing and charging people for the number of miles they drive a year. I thought that the gas tax accomplished that. The more miles you drive the more gas you use so the more taxes you pay. People who use fuel efficient cars save money. If they charge by the miles then everyone pays the same regardless of how fuel efficient they are.

Government will continue to increase what we pay and the people in it do not care what it costs us or how it hurts us. Remember, when they raise the gas tax YOU will be paying for the tax on your gas and on theirs because we pay for their cars, their insurance, their registration and their gas. They do not care how it affects YOU because it will not affect them. They are only concerned with how far they can push you before you decide not to vote for them.

We need to solve this problem and we can start by eliminating the people who vote for tax increases and work our way back from there. We could consider driving fewer miles but then they would only raise taxes more because they need us to drive in order to keep the union workers employed.

This should be a great example of all the price gouging that Democrats cried about. They don’t do anything to get the gas to market but they extort a portion of the price from people. When they make BILLIONS of dollars from taxing oil they increase the amount they take but when the oil companies make BILLIONS off a product they brought to market, the government wants to punish them. The only people gouging you have been elected to office.

Get rid of them NOW.

My Way News

Big Dog