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Democrats Are Slow Learners

Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia is beginning to see what many have known all along, Barack Obama is not believable. We knew it when he started running, we knew it throughout the campaign and we know it now. He says one thing, does another and he has a Socialist agenda that is radical and anti American though he will not admit it. Rockefeller points out that he is beginning to view Obama as not believable as well:

“He says ‘I’m for clean coal,’ and then he says it in his speeches, but he doesn’t say it in here,” said Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. “And he doesn’t say it in the minds of my own people. And he’s beginning to be not believable to me.” Real Clear Politics

Senator, when you get to the point where he is not believable we will welcome you to the club. But this is a beginning…

When Obama starts having Democrats question his believability he is in trouble.

Big Dog


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