Democratic Dilemmas and Lunacy

Let’s start off with the topic of Geraldine Ferraro. She made a perfectly honest statement about Barack Hussein Obama and stirred up the race controversy. Ferraro said that Obama would not be where he is if he were a white guy and that is correct. She failed to mention that Hillary Rodham Clinton would not be where she is if she did not have that last name. However, the outcry from the Obama babies has been loud. Ferraro decided to step down so she could speak her mind without her opinions being attributed to Clinton. She had to stop what she was doing because she made what was perceived as a racist remark. Welcome to the world that Conservatives live in every day Gerry baby. One of our guys says anything that can be perceived in some microscopic way as being racist and jobs are lost, the race baiters run around like Michael Jackson with a head full of fire. Now you know what happens when political correctness runs amok. At least you did not have to kiss Al Sharpton’s ring and beg for forgiveness. FWIW, you are absolutely correct and race plays a big part in all of this. Obama gets 90% of the black vote and most people vote for him because he is black and for no other reason.

Richard Belzer, the stand up comedian libtard has insulted our troops. He stated; “You think everyone over [in Iraq] is a college graduate? They’re 19 and 20-year-old kids who couldn’t get a job.” Hey dumbass, they have a job. It is a job you could never do because you are not man enough. You never had the testicular fortitude to hold a job such as this even before you had testicular cancer. Belzer is a typical liberal who is unable to take responsibility for his actions. He asked Hulk Hogan to demonstrate a wrestling move and Hogan put a sleeper on him. When Hogan let go Belzer hit his head and required sutures. He sued for Hogan and received between $1.5 and 5 million dollars. What a twit! While we are talking about jobs Dick, how hard is it to memorize and utter words that someone else wrote for you? Your job is so insignificant that you were out of work when the writers went on strike. Belzer, you are a worthless idiot who insults better Americans than you could ever hope to be. Half of those soldiers could do your job and all of them could stomp you into a puddle of liberal pooh.

Eleanor Clift of Newsweek has still not gotten over the fact that George W. Bush won the 2000 election and that this was demonstrated time and again with recounts. No matter how they did it, Bush won. That did not stop this mindless drone from stating; “…After all, he [Gore] already won the popular vote for the presidency. It was only because of a fluke at the Supreme Court that he was denied his turn at the wheel. No one could deny that he’s ready on day one to assume the presidency.” A fluke of the Supreme Court? The court ruled that the Florida Supreme Court’s scheme for recounting ballots was unconstitutional and voted to end the recounting. It is funny to note that various schemes were used to recount later on and Bush won some and Gore won others (which shows that something is wrong if we cannot reproduce the results) but Gore would have won if they went with the way Bush wanted the recounts to take place and Bush would have won with the method Gore wanted. It is also important to note that the major networks called Florida for Gore before the polls closed and reports at the time indicated many people waiting in line to vote left the polling place. These areas were heavily Republican and one can only wonder how that early call affected the outcome. In any event, Clift is an idiot who has not gotten over 2000. It was eight years ago Eleanor. Get on with your life for goodness sake.

Whoopi Goldberg suffered a 17 month coma; “Now, when it all went down at 9/11 and [President Bush] said ‘we’re going get him,’ I was like ‘come on Georgie, let’s go.’ But he didn’t go where he said we were going. See, that’s where I got, because I woke up the next morning, we were in Iraq. I was like, what? I don’t think we’re in Afghanistan.” The coma is the only explanation for her inability to tell that these events were 17 months apart. Liberal selective memory helps them live in a world of delusions.

These are the kinds of things that libtards say and do each and every day. Liberalism is a mental disorder and millions of people suffer from it. One day we will be rid of them because they are committing genocide on their own but until that time we still get to laugh at them. I know we are not supposed to laugh at the mentally ill but they are just so darn funny.

Many items came from the Patriot Post.

Big Dog

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6 Responses to “Democratic Dilemmas and Lunacy”

  1. Angel says:

    Amen bro!..good looking out BD!.they want to silence us all and guess what…these creeps will be the first ones bombed when the IzlamoNazis have their way with us! grrrrrrrr! 🙂

    Angel’s last blog post..IDF Avenges Deaths of Mercaz Harav

  2. […] I guess the candidate with one staffer left will be declared the winner. Big Dog welcomes Ferraro to our club of folks who offend everyone with every word we […]

  3. Ken Bingham says:

    What is interesting about this is the fact she complains that Obama is successful only because he is black when she was only chosen as Mondale’s running mate because she was a woman. Oh how times have changed, and yet again another member of Hillary’s inner-circle is forced to resign because of a bad attempt to play the race card. At this rate Hillary will be out of staffers before her campaign runs out of gas, which the gage is already dangerously close to the red line.

  4. Big Dog says:

    Thanks Angel. Glad we are on the same side.

    Ken, How true. If she were not a woman she would never have been selected…

  5. TRM says:

    Sorry if this response goes on too long.
    This just opens up a sore that until recently I thought was healing up. Race…
    I am watching now some garbage about some Detroit asshat saying nigger in some context… I’m sick of it…. I would like to think I don’t have a racist bone my body, but this race issue is getting completely out of hand,,,,
    I reject outright that I, am American citizen, veteran, patriot has to walk around and whisper in closets and live in fear that something I do or say may “upset” some minority, I REJECT IT!

    Allow me to share some of the conversation I have been having with some black racist over at Black Agenda Report (being a LRP I thrive far behind the DMZ)

    All of these statements are in a thread “addressing” the Black Prison Gulag and the Police State

    “trm is not uneducated or uninformed or un-anything else when it comes to the social order. in fact trm spews the sentiment of one who is very much a devotee to, and steeped in, the principles of racial order and the canon of judgment, standards, and social mores expressed and exemplified by Lincoln earlier and Buckley later [whites and the negro can live one amongst the other as long as the negros are controlled and the whites rule]; along with the roosevelt/reagan ideology [if they prove themselves useful and acceptable to us then one day they may achieve model citizen status]; ”

    “Do you understand what it is to be poor? Black, white, hispanic whatever. Do you understand poverty? You do realize the wide majority of people die in the class to which they were born? You do realize that there are major obstacles placed in the way particulalry of the poor black and hispanic communities particularly a mad dog police force and racist judicial system which sees fit to prosecute them much harder than their white counterparts? Also you keep trying to make white supremacy into something practiced by people who live in their mother’s basement. But let me list you some white supremacists, there names were Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Wilson, and virtually every prominent American political figure before the great civil rights movement which had an enormous civilizing effect on this racist, elitist, imperialist country. Even Johnson was pretty damn racist. This country was built on Genocide, slavery and the theft of about a third of it from the conquest of Mexico it has a profoundly racist history. The good news is now you have an opportunity now to learn about American history. I am more than willing to teach you about these subjects on which you are clearly ignorant. ”

    Theres ton’s more out there folk’s and these guys are feeding off of the Jeremiah Wrights in the world and salivating for Obama to get in office…

    This is cause for GREAT concern…. I;m so sick of this PC crap, I don’t owe anyone anything… least of all some sorry sack of crap who can’t buy a belt and think’s it honorable to kill and steal because he feels “slighted” by that damn devil whitey!!!

    Sorry Big Dog…..


  6. Big Dog says:

    No need to apologize TRM, you made valid points and exposed the ugly truth. They want to have it both ways. I, like you, do not owe anyone anything.

    I know what it is like to be poor and I know what it is like to work hard to get an education to move myself up in social stature. I succeeded because I work hard, not because I am white and blacks can do the same.

    Yes, our history had dark days (no pun intended) but this is now and we live now, not in the past.