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Democrat Women Become Targets

Wow, I hope the use of the word target in the title does not cause progressives to become apoplectic. I would not want them to get visions of violence and start having fits about how language might incite people to do bad things. Not to worry little libs, the only violent people are on your side and the radicals in Islam.

Feminism is a movement that started a long time ago when women burned bras and demanded to be treated the same as men. Then when they were in the workplace and subject to listening to men talk they filed suits for harassment. The radical part of that movement has been largely associated with liberal women and their love the one you’re with, I can do it better, don’t hold that door for me attitudes. I bet the founders of that movement wish they had kept those bras so that their navels would not be between their breasts.

Women demanded equality. A noble cause to be sure but anything can be carried to extreme. I hold the door for people behind me no matter who they are and I have never had another man tell me he did not need me to hold a door for him. I can’t say the same about a few women I have encountered along the way. The problem is that some of these very people who demand the equal treatment whine when they get it.

Sarah Palin is a person who unites a lot of people. She either unites conservatives who agree with her or she unites the liberal/progressives who oppose anything she says and are afraid of her because she gets attention and she can influence races involving their beloved candidates. They claim not to fear her but they go out of their way to lie about her, attack her and her family, and to attack anything involving her. They do this because she scares them.

So Palin has set her sights on several Democrats in the upcoming election. She is working on getting them defeated and they don’t like that too much. Yes, several of the ones she has picked to defeat are women and they are not too happy about it.

Now it makes sense to say they are not happy. No one would be happy about being targeted for defeat but these women are upset because she is attacking other women. They feel that women in Congress get along pretty well regardless of party and that Palin, a conservative feminist, is not doing the feminist movement any good by going after the sisterhood of women. You got that? They are upset because she is going after women who have worked so hard to make it in a man’s world and that is just terrible. Women should not treat each other this way, boo, hoo.

Perhaps these women would care to chime in on how well the women in Congress get along and demonstrate how well Michele Bachmann is treated by Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has made Bachmann the number 1 target of the Dems so I don’t see much love and cooperation there. Certainly there is not as much as the Fem-Dems claim.

Let me help them out. Listen up ladies, you all wanted equal treatment and this is what you are getting. Palin has a number of males on her list so you are treated the same as any other Democrat who needs to be removed from office regardless of sex. It is your equal treatment so quit your whining. If you don’t like it then work hard to stop it and work hard to get reelected. Work hard to dispute what Palin and her supporters will say about you and your record. Run on your abilities and your leadership. If what you have is good then you should be reelected.

Whining about another woman targeting you is not effective and does little for the feminist movement you claim to defend. It makes you look like the weaker sex. It makes it look as if you can’t handle the same heat as the men. It makes it look as if you want it both ways, equality but special treatment when it benefits you.

Buck up ladies because Sarahcuda has you in her cross-hairs.

Oops, there I go again with that talk that Bill Clinton thinks could incite violence. Funny Clinton’s name came up.

The feminist reaction to his antics helped them lose a lot of credibility.

Perhaps they secretly wanted treatment equal to Monica’s…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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