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Democrat Politicians Bully TEA Party In Richmond

The Occupy crowd in Richmond has been there sucking up resources and causing trouble. The group has not paid for permits and the city has provided extra police, portable toilets, and trash clean up for these people. In other words, taxpayers have had to foot the bill for them.

The TEA Party in the area has paid about $10,000 for three events that it held. It paid for its own toilets, the extra police and it cleaned up its own trash. In other words, the taxpayer did not foot the bill.

That TEA Party group sent a bill to the city of Richmond claiming that the city owed them the money because the Occupy folks did not have to pay. The TEA Party was demanding a refund because it should not have to pay for the things that the Occupy crowd does not pay for.

Instead of the city rectifying this situation it has done what governments do when challenged, it issued a threat. The city has notified the TEA Party that it is being audited and that it needs to provide information or the auditor will pick an arbitrary number (they claim it is based on the best information available) and taxes will be levied based on that.

The TEA Party has provided all necessary paperwork every month as required by law and the numbers have always been zero, zilch, nada. It is obvious that the audit is a retaliatory action because the TEA Party dared to demand that it be treated equally under the law.

No worries though. The TEA Party is filing an FOIA request for everything dealing with the issue so there might be some embarrassing disclosures of how this was done as a political move. The ACLU is involved and though I rarely agree with that organization I can commend them on getting involved in an issue that is against a bunch of liberals and not in favor of them.

The city of Richmond is full of corrupt Democrats who belong in jail. Perhaps this effort will land some of them there.

At the least let us hope it shows the voters how crooked these people are and how they are wasting tax dollars. Perhaps this will inspire the voters to throw these cretins out of office.

It seems to me that the Chicago Way is alive and well. It also seems that one day real soon these politicians are going to get pushback they won’t like.

Big Government
Gateway Pundit

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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