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Could We Have Another Crisis Please?

The Democrats “lead” by reacting to a crisis and if there is no crisis they create one. This allows them to “Never let a crisis go to waste.” This is how they are able to push things through and wage an all out assault on the American people. This is also what Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison wants. He said that they need a crisis at Christmas in order to push the Republicans in the direction the Democrats want with regard to the tax rate extension.

Ellison wants this crisis so that Republicans will be forced to react and avoid hurting people at Christmas. Keep in mind that Ellison does not care one bit about Christmas or the people who celebrate it. He is a Muslim and they do not care about Christians or their holidays.

Ellison is only concerned with bringing Socialism to this country (and of course, Sharia Law). He calls for this when he discusses how the rich should pay more and that they are getting so much money from this latest deal. This is all BS. No one is getting any more money. They are paying the exact same rates they have been for the last decade or so. No one’s taxes are going down because NO TAXES WERE CUT. In fact, the very wealthy will have a tax increase as the estate tax goes to 35%. This is a tax on people who pass on more than $5 million when they, pass on. The taxpayers get raped twice (and often more than that) by government, at least once when it is earned and then it is taxed when it is passed on. This is nothing more than the public being raped.

This is done for what purpose? It is done to give more money to the government. Keep in mind that this money is not the government’s. NONE OF IT IS. It is all our money and some of it is confiscated under threat of force by our government. It is theft made legal by government.

Ellison wants a crisis at Christmas to force Republicans to do what he and his Socialist pals in Congress want.

I have news for you Keith, keep screwing around and you guys will get a crisis that you will not like.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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