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Cop Socker McKinney Not Welcomed By Israel

Cynthia “Cop Socker” McKinney is an anti Semite. She associates with the black panthers and her entourage was filmed making anti Semitic remarks after she lost her reelection bid. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that McKinney was on a ship headed to Palestine. The mission, according to her, was to deliver humanitarian aid such as medical supplies and food.

The problem is, the ship failed to communicate with Israeli naval vessels that attempted to communicate with the ship. Ignoring a military vessel is not usually a smart thing to do.

The humanitarian ship, the Dignity, then tried to outmaneuver the Israeli naval vessel and the two ships made contact. This is the official version from the Israelis. McKinney though, stated that the naval vessel deliberately rammed the Dignity three different times.

Seems to me that if the Israeli navy wanted to do damage to the Dignity their vessels carry enough firepower to do so without endangering its own vessels. Ramming might cause damage and end up sinking the naval vessel. It is more likely that after ignoring the warning calls the Dignity tried to outrun and outmaneuver the naval vessel and the two made contact.

Of course, I was not there so it could have happened either way. However, it is unwise for any vessel to navigate near a war zone without communicating with the naval vessels of the combatants. It is well known that Palestine (as well as many Muslim nations) use humanitarian assistance as a cover to smuggle weapons and explosives. How was the Israeli navy supposed to know what was on board the Dignity.

Taking their word for it is out of the question.

McKinney is a moron and she is clearly demonstrating that she is more concerned for the people on the wrong side of the fight. Where was she when Hamas was launching rockets and firing mortars?

The fact that McKinney hates Jews is no secret. All one needs to do is look at her associations and listen to what her peeps have said.

She is an angry black woman who hates white people and this bigot punched a police officer and was never punished for the assault.

She might think she rules the house but the Israeli navy clearly demonstrated that in those waters, they are in charge.

Maybe next time, instead of playing games, the Israeli navy will sink any boat that fails to respond and tries to outmaneuver them.

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Big Dog

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