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Congressional Earmarks Are Criminal

The use of earmarks, or PORK, by members of Congress is a criminal act. They use our tax money as a method to buy votes and to earn campaign money. People who complain about the money we spend defending this country routinely spend 4 or 5 million dollars in earmarks to get 20 thousand dollars in campaign donations. Only in Congress, where no one knows fiscal responsibility, could that kind of return be acceptable. When one considers how our money is spent, with regard to earmarks, it is amazing that Americans have not stormed the Capitol and removed Congress by force.

The newly elected Democratic Majority told everyone how open and transparent they would be and yet Jack Murtha, who is nothing more than a money grubbing, greedy, slimeball, has submitted an earmark for one million dollars for something that no one can prove exists!!!

The earmark was questioned and no one could find out what it was for but the request to deny it was dismissed. These idiots actually passed spending 1 MILLION US DOLLARS on something that no one can show exists (and therefore can not show why it should get the money). Leave it to Jack Murtha to figure a slimy way of distributing money around. Things have not changed since his ABSCAM days. So much for transparency and ethics under San Fran Nan.

Both parties are guilty of earmarks and they spend huge sums of money for things that are not needed and often not requested. They do this to drum up support and to get campaign or PAC donations. It is a terribly wasteful process and it is a gross misuse of our tax dollars. The next time some jackass politician complains about wasting money in Iraq just ask one question:

How much money did you spend in PORK?

Line item veto, now more than ever. Vote out all 435 in the House in 2008 and let’s start fresh.

The Politico

Big Dog

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