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Comic Relief

Well, the “beer summit” was yesterday, with Hussein attempting to negotiate a truce between Henry Louis Gates, a Harvard “Elite” professor, and Sgt. Crowley, of the Cambridge police force. So everyone had a beer at the White House in an attempt to defuse the situation, which I thought was both ridiculous on its face, and a distraction to the important discussions of thwarting government healthcare, but Hussein has to look like a peacemaker, even if he can’t do this on an international stage effectively, he can try with baby steps, brokering a truce between individual people.

And like the King he wishes he was, he brought along his jester, Joe Biden, to “break the ice”- a brilliant move, as both sides can feel free to ridicule the Veep- heck, he does it to himself, and because he is so white, Gates can focus his “black ridicule” on Amtrak Joe, and even Sgt. Crowley can feel free to denigrate Joe, leaving Hussein to act all regal and above it all. This way he retains his “post- racial” identity.

As all this was going on, complete with a multitude of cameras to record the event, Nancy Pelosi was demonizing the Insurance companies, and Harry Reid was demonizing the Media, and Jack Murtha was probably demonizing our servicemen and women- the rest of the liberals were demonizing conservatives.

Meanwhile, back at the kegger- not much was accomplished, with both sides “agreeing to disagree” a phrase that Hillary is too familiar with, failing to obtain concessions from anyone overseas, and proving that the rest of the world knows that Hussein’s administration is a limp wrist do nothing incompetent bunch of spineless wimps.

But we conservatives knew that, and the fact that even Hussein’s gift of gab AND the entertainment factor of Joe Biden couldn’t get a state of detente from the Professor and the Policeman is a testament to the uselessness of the Eunuch in Chief.

When it comes to the Art of the Deal, he hasn’t a clue.
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