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Clinton: Support Health Care For The Party

Bill Clinton and Al Gore are out on the campaign trail (Obama is still campaigning) in order to drum up support for the health care plan that will completely overhaul the health care system in this country in order to provide health care to the very small percentage of the population that does not have and truly cannot afford such care.

The Democrats have taken a beating over this issue because they are being irresponsible with our system of health care. They are ramming legislation through without even reading it. They are doing a disservice to their constituents while working to give government further control over our lives. And make no mistake about it, this is all about control. If this was all about fixing the system then it would actually address the problems with the system and would not consist of a complete overhaul. It would not be a Trojan Horse bill designed to slip single payer health care in in the middle of the night. A Single payer system is the goal as expressed by Obama and many other Democrats who have stated that this is the way to eventually get single payer.

[note]If this health care plan is so good then why are members of Congress exempted and why have they refused to vote for amendments requiring them to take it?[/note]

If this was all about health care and not about control then Obama would have voted for the health care reforms that were proposed when he was a Senator. His fellow Democrats would have voted for them as well. Instead they voted against reform that would not overhaul the entire system and would have made a difference.

The problem is, they never wanted the system to be fixed. If it were fixed then the Democrats would not have anything to run for office on and they would not have the chance to take control of people’s lives. The Democrats conveniently forget this part of history and they continually present only two options in this debate as if nothing else exists. It is either their plan or do nothing. They present it as if the only option is to do nothing and then they attack that position. It is a straw man argument and it is designed to make people think that if this does not pass we will do nothing.

As I wrote, we had the chance to do something when Obama was a Senator and he VOTED AGAINST the bills.

Still think this debate is about health care? Bill Clinton said that the health care bill needed to be passed for the sake of the party.

“We need to pass a bill this year. Doing nothing is not only the worst thing we can do for the economy, it’s the worst thing we can do for the country. It’s also the worst thing we can do for the Democrats,” Clinton said, because Americans expect Democrats to deliver when they elect them. Commercial Appeal

Clinton said that not passing this bill is the worst thing we can do for the Democrats. This is the entire issue. It is bad for Democrats if they get defeated on Obama’s signature legislation and right now they are getting beaten. Not long ago Clinton said they needed to pass something. I think his words were that they could get half a loaf instead of the whole thing and then work on adding to it later. They need to pass something to make Obama look good.

They need to pass something for the good of the Democrat Party, Clinton himself said so. Never mind if it will be good for us as individuals, they need it for the party. Though Clinton said it would be good for the economy there is no way that can be the case. It will cost too much and will cause an increase in taxes for nearly all taxpayers. The way this bunch has handled the economy there is no way they should be making predictions about how health care will impact it. Additionally, Medicare is broke and spends more than it takes in. That is a government run program. Our government does not have a good track record when it comes to running programs at a low cost and this is particularly true for the health care ventures it runs.

It is all about party and control. The Democrats are selling us a bill of goods and they are working hard to screw us over so they can have more control over our lives. They need to pass something so that Obama does not look bad and so they can get their feet in the door.

From there we will be on the fast track to socialized medicine in a single payer system.

No matter what you hear from now on always remember that it is about helping the party. Bill Clinton made that clear. It is also about control which certainly helps Democrats because controlling people is what keeps them in power.

Obama has made that clear in the way he is taking more and more control of the private sector in this country.

Bill Clinton says to support health care for the good of the party.

Big Dog says defeat this legislation for the good of the country.

Which side do you fall on?

Big Dog

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