Climate Change Hits New Zealand And Europe Chills Out

It is springtime in New Zealand and the flowers are starting to bloom, the crops are being planted and tons of things that happen in the spring are taking place. One thing that took place was not welcome and it was climate change of epic proportions. Six days of blizzards have hit the Southland region and lots of lambs have been killed.

Following a reasonably benign winter, the Southland region of New Zealand (NZ) has in the past week been hit by “the worst spring storm in living memory” according to the NZ Herald.

Six days of blizzards have caused deaths among new lambs numbering in the hundreds of thousands, and raised concern over the welfare of ewes yet to lamb. Meat Trade News

Once again a region of the world has been affected by global warming.

And global warming is set to destroy Europe as this winter is predicted to be the coldest in 1000 years.

It must be man made global warming because Al Gore and his phony data said so.

But with hundreds of thousands of dead lambs and record cold temperatures I just don’t think Al and his buddies will be able to hide this decline.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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5 Responses to “Climate Change Hits New Zealand And Europe Chills Out”

  1. Darrel says:

    Except that:

    NOAA reports 2010 hottest year on record so far.

    The 12-month running mean global temperature has reached a new record in 2010 — despite recent minimum of solar irradiance: “We conclude that global temperature continued to rise rapidly in the past decade” and “there has been no reduction in the global warming trend of 0.15-0.20°C/decade that began in the late 1970s.”

    • Blake says:

      Darrel- what cooked up data will you point to now? Oh- NASA- that’s right, the Hansen worshippers- they are a cult, much like the Goristas.
      They will use the Mayan calendar next-

  2. Mr. Ogre says:

    I’m just amazed that anyone can still buy algore’s theories. Then, I remember that it’s a religion, and people simply accept it because they want to. After all, how can you lose with a religion based on the idea that the weather changes? And if you don’t give money to the high priests, the weather will continue to change! See, look, the weather changed again — you’re not giving enough! Quick, force other people to give more cash to the priests so we can stop this weather change!

  3. Adam says:

    Everybody knows that global warming means every spot on Earth will be hotter all the time and if a single place is colder than average then therefore global warming is a scam and Al Gore lied. Oh yeah, and Gore’s so fat.

    • Blake says:

      He’s not fat, it’s just that his ego adds fifty pounds-
      And no, not EVERY place would be consistently cold, or hot- this is why we have summer and why we have winter- remember those names, they are bound to come up again-
      But climate does what climate does, regardless of the pronouncements of those who want DESPERATELY to control the message. As long as they have Darrel and Adam, they will have those lonely voices in the wilderness of insanity.
      Do you know, now the Goristas want to deny people their meteorological degree if they refuse to sign a pledge stating that they believe “global warming” to be real- what hokum.