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Citizenship Exam Stresses Principles

The government has tested a new citizenship exam and that exam will be an option up until October of next year when it will become the only exam. The test has open ended questions and requires more than rote memorization. There is also word it will stress principles of our government. The first one I would like to see addressed is the principle of law. Perhaps there should be questions about the ethics of sneaking into a country and then demanding amnesty and a green card. Perhaps we should be asking about the idea of people being rewarded for crime rather than following the law.

I think these ideas are better than part of the test that asks about US rivers (the new test does). The only thing that most know about a river is that they have to cross one to get into this country. Now I have no problem with the test so long as it is given to people who have earned the privilege of taking it. It should not be a guarantee, it should not come as part of an amnesty package and it should not be given to those who lack the ethical and moral character to be here. This means no law breakers, no ILLEGALS, and no amnesty.

For those who did it the right way and will take the test, I commend you. Don’t forget what you have learned. You worked hard to get where you are and we welcome you. Those who do not belong here can explore the river while heading in the other direction.

Big Dog

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