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CIA Held Key; Bush Told Truth, Wilson Lied

During a State of the Union Address President Bush uttered the now famous sixteen words that critics have insisted showed he exaggerated his case for going to war with Iraq. Those words; “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa” have been a focal point for those on the left who claim that Bush lied us into war. The fact is, President Bush did not say that Iraq actually had uranium, he only stated that they tried to obtain it. This information came from several intelligence agencies but it seems that in this matter only one source was considered reliable and that source was Joe Wilson.

Joe Wilson, a deeply partisan man, was recommended by his CIA agent wife for a trip to Niger to investigate the claims. Joe Wilson went to Niger, sipped some Mint Julep tea and then wrote a report stating that Iraq did not try to get uranium and that the administration lied about it. This led to a firestorm when the administration investigated Wilson after he lied by stating that the Vice President had sent him on the trip. In the process it was learned that his wife sent him and that she was an employee of the CIA. Wilson and his wife, Plame cried foul and said her supposedly covert status had been compromised, a “crime” for which no one has ever been convicted (Libby was found guilty of perjury, not outing Plame). The Washington Post had this to say about Wilson’s report:

Wilson’s central assertion — disputing President Bush’s 2003 State of the Union claim that Iraq was seeking nuclear material in Niger — has been validated by postwar weapons inspections. And his charge that the administration exaggerated the threat posed by Iraq has proved potent.

Before we continue let us note that the lack of WMD in Iraq did not validate Wilson’s assertion because the President only claimed that Iraq was trying to obtain the material, not that they possessed it. Just because it was not there does not mean they did not try to get it. Amazingly, during all the noise made in this case, the Central Intelligence Agency remained silent. This is an intelligence agency that Wilson’s wife worked for, that sent Wilson on the trip and that Wilson was basically trashing because he said that the President lied with information he received from our intelligence agencies (including the CIA). Certainly they had information that could shed light on this. If they did they never said a word as Wilson became more vocal, the Plame case consumed more time and the moonbats became more and more convinced that Bush lied, people died. “The sixteen words” has become a phrase that people understand without further explanation but as it turns out, Bush did not lie about it.

A declassified memo from none other than the CIA indicates that indeed a meeting took place between officials from Niger and the Iraq regime of Hussein and the officials involved state that there is no doubt that the Iraqis wanted to purchase yellow cake uranium. The deal never took place because of Niger’s allegiance to the US and because of UN sanctions on Iraq. Niger does not want to sell its uranium to rouge nations. This memo which is about Niger denying any sales to Iraq, is here and paragraph 2 on the first page indicates that government officials believed that Iraq wanted uranium but that no such sales took place.

It would appear as if Joe Wilson was to person who has been caught in the lies with regard to this case. He lied about who sent him as well as his wife’s status. Given this memo, it is doubtful he received the information he claims when he went to Niger. George Bush was not lying when he said that Iraq tried to obtain uranium though no one on the left will ever admit that fact.

More about this is located at FactCheck.org. It has been around a while but most moonbats don’t want to see facts unless they support their claims. To the left, any information that shows George Bush in a favorable light is not accurate.

I know this is long past and considered old news but the more time that passes the more we are seeing that the administration was right and that people have gone out of their way to bash this president and to harm our country.

Big Dog

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