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Chris Matthews Gets Hard Balled

Chris Matthews is supposed to be this rabid commentator who plays hardball. He interrupts, raises his voice, and challenges those on his show. However, Matthews was hard balled recently for some comments he made regarding Hillary Clinton. Matthews should know that it is against the rules of the media to say anything negative about she who would be Queen. The Clintons have enjoyed a media blackout on all the bad things they have done and their illegal activities were either under reported or ignored. Those that were mentioned were never investigated with the zeal of a Woodward and Bernstein in pursuit of Nixon. That can’t happen and despite Bill Clinton’s claim that Obama gets better press coverage, the media is ignoring Clinton’s past. As an aside, perhaps Obama gets better coverage (if he does) because he allows the media in and Hillary does not.

Matthews told the absolute truth and that is something that is not allowed when it comes to the Clinton Crime Family. Matthews said that Hillary’s career was the result of being a victim of an unfaithful husband. This is not quite 100% correct because part of her career is the result of having the same last name (or sleeping with) the president of the US. Hillary took advantage of the public sympathy that the idiots in America gave her and parlayed it into a Senate seat in New York. She did not deserve that sympathy because Hillary knew for years that Bill slept around and she did her best to squash the women who came forward with allegations of sexual affairs or rape. Hillary knew her husband was an adulterer and a rapist and she enabled him by going after the real victims, the women Bill molested and had affairs with.

The fools in America gave her sympathy and acted like she was the victim when she was, in fact, an accomplice in the sexual deviance of her husband. Hillary used that sympathy to get elected to the Senate so Matthews was correct when he said her career was the result of her being a victim of a cheating husband. Hillary Clinton has no accomplishments of her own. All that she has done has been a result of involvement because of her husband’s position. She was the First Lady of Arkansas and had duties as part of that title and it was all based on her husband being Governor. She was First Lady of the US and her duties were a result of being married to the President. Hillary Clinton had no individual accomplishments when she ran for the Senate. Everything about her was the result of her marriage to Bill Clinton and her “victim” status after he cheated and raped other women.

If Hillary had never married Bill she probably would have been a lesbian lawyer defending environmental whack jobs and terrorists. She probably would have become another radical lawyer activist like Lynne Stewart with the same desire to turn this country into a socialist haven. The problem is, Matthews is part of the media and they do not like it when a woman is attacked. The media can attack George Bush all day long and call him any name they want but as soon as someone says something about a woman, especially Hillary, they are misogynists and sexists. This is what Media Matters thinks of Matthews.

Chris Matthews got hard balled for speaking the truth about Hillary Clinton. He apologized because of the pressure put on him by the dark forces inside the media establishment. Perhaps he was worried about losing his job, who knows? The reality is, he had to apologize for telling the truth.

Fortunately, I have no such problem so let me state it; Hillary Clinton only made it as far as she did in life because she slept with the president and because she played the victim after his affair. She parlayed that into a Senate seat and had it not been for these things in her life most people would not know who she was. Hillary is quite ordinary and unimpressive and without the Clinton name she would be a nobody. With the Clinton name she is nothing more than an opportunistic liar and law breaker who will do anything to gain power.

There Media Matters, take those words and chew on them for a while. As for you Chris Matthews, your show should be renamed from Chris Matthews, Hardball to Chris Matthews, No Balls.

News Busters

Big Dog

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