Checks and Balances

Our form of government, as we all have been taught (at least those who have had a government and/ or civics course would know), has three branches of governmental powers and duties, all designed to split the power, so no one branch could rule over the other two. This truly took a lot of thought, and was revolutionary for it’s foresight in that day and time. It still is, or would be if the Socialists were not so intent on working around the strictres of this government.

The Executive branch is the titular head of the government, but has to answer to the Legislative branch- this is supposed to keep the President honest, and within bounds legally. The president proposes legislation- a laundry list of what he believes need to be done to keep this country on course. If he is an honest man, he proposes things we actually need, and things we can afford.

It is up to the Legislative branch to actually write the laws that the president wants done, but in addition, these lawmakers have yet another duty, a higher duty, and that is to the people they serve. If the president is proposing onerous laws, laws that would harm the people back in the Representative’s or Senator’s areas, it is their duty to oppose this. This not only gets them re- elected, but it serves the greater good of the people they represent.

This is admittedly a fine balancing act, where your duty to country and your duty to the people you represent can sometimes be seemingly at odds. But, if you are honest, and truly want what is best for all, you will be able to craft just laws that will serve the country well. Unfortunately, there are many lawmakers who will blindly follow this Resident and his Socialist agenda. Once upon a time you could count on legislators to protect their turf from even a president within their own party, jealousy being a strong emotion, and turf is something to protect- but not now, apparently.

Even if not, there is the third branch, the Supreme Court, where all the laws can be looked over to see if it passes the Constitutional Test- does it co- exist within the framework of the Constitution? The Supreme Court is supposed to be the arbiter of All Things Constitutional. In recent years, there has been a distinct ideological split in the makeup of the court, and that makes for often close and contentious decisions- when they do make decisions.

Unfortunately, the Court doesn’t take every case- just those where there could be a question of constitutionality from lower courts, so there is a lag on the time something becomes law to when the Court might rule on it, and Hussein is going to try and pack the Supreme Court so the “empathy” factor favors him.

If Barry can tilt the court, and he maintains the party majority in the legislature, he can be King in everything but name- he can pass whatever laws he wants, and tax us until we bleed, and I believe he will. I have no sense of ease in his ability to govern with an even hand, I do not believe he wants to- at least not until he has made over our country into something we do not recognize, a faint ghost of what we once were.

When that happens, you can be sure of one thing- we will have war(s)- the rest of the world will see us as weak, and they will be right, and we will have fights with Mexico in the south over the borders, N. Korea, China, Iran, and of course Russia will all test our will and our ability to deter their plans.

Russia will begin to try to take back the satellite countries like Lithuania, Estonia, the Ukraine, and Poland. It has already begun to creep into Georgia again. China practically owns us- at least our debt, and we have a Resident who is all talk. Whoop-de-do.

Just when we need to be strong, Hussein will wussify us, I guarantee this- this is already happening.

We are writing checks we can’t cash, because we have nothing in our balances.
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2 Responses to “Checks and Balances”

  1. Barbara says:

    The whole government is crooked from the cities to the counties to the states.

    • Blake says:

      Yes,by and large, you are right, but don’t lose hope- there are good people out there, people who look at this country as the shining beacon of Liberty- a place where dreams can become reality because of opportunity and hard work.
      We have gone through bumpy times before- we will again. We need to educate our neighbors though- for too long the liberal elite has counted on the vast majority just watching their TV, and staying apathetic, but this must change, and the first step is talking to people, educating them on the current events and how these things will affect them.