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Change I Don’t Believe

Barack Obama ran his entire campaign on the theme of hope and change. He told us it was change we could believe in. He is not in office yet and already I see change but it is not change I can believe in, it is change I just can’t believe. However, he did tell people he was going to change things but he failed to mention if that change would be good or bad. Here is some change that I don’t think will be good:

While Obama has been lauded for some of his other picks it is safe to say that he has filled his administration with Clinton retreads and he has put people of questionable integrity or who are completely unqualified in important positions. I imagine the MSM and Obama toadies will not criticize him the way they did President Bush when he put unqualified people in charge. Good job Brownie. Where are the trolls who infest this place criticizing Bush for things like this? Probably in the Kool Aid line.

I should not be surprised that Obama has selected unqualified people for positions. He is not qualified for the position he will soon hold. He has never been in charge of anything and his claim to fame is being a rabble rouser. He spent little time at the national level before he launched into his run for the presidency. The only good thing is that once he is done as president there will be nowhere else for him in government. He can fly around with Bill Clinton with his hand out.

This line up is a disaster waiting to happen and the ones who will suffer are the American people.

When the next 9/11 happens these people will make the Keystone Cops look like the Special Forces.

Big Dog

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